Hip Hop Dance Nation – 2 : MAHO from OSAKA


The Amount Boyz – Maho

Maho is a very successful dancer from Japan working in New York City. He has appeared in music videos, danced at major events, and has performed on tour with several superstars including Madonna.

Anthony ‘Antboogie’ met Maho while working with Madonna on her “Sticky & Sweet Tour.” He was so impressed by Maho’s hard work, dedication and natural ability that he asked Maho to join his dance crew The Amount Boyz.

H2N finds out more about this rising star in the entertainment world.

H2N: Please tell us about your background and why you decided to become a professional dancer.

Maho: I am originally from Osaka. I signed up for a famous agency in Japan when I was 12. I was trained to sing, dance and act there. I fell in love with all things having to do with dance. I spent hours practicing and studied different styles, such as jazz and Hip-Hop. At the age of 18 I came to New York. I think I had the quiet confidence that one day my dream to dance would be realized. I spent the first 2 years taking the street dance classes by Ant (Anthony ‘Antboogie’ Rue) at Broadway Dance Center. After I obtained an artist visa, I decided to become a professional dancer. I was really lucky that my first gig was to dance for Madonna.

H2N: That is a very big accomplishment. How was working with the queen of pop? Was she a perfectionist as she is known for?

Maho: At the beginning I thought she was a really serious all-about-business-type-of-person. But she actually spends time with each dancer finding his uniqueness and trying to take the best out of it. I was very impressed and I respect her very much for that.

H2N: Where do you go from here since you almost conquered the world?

Maho: I was one of the dancers for Madonna then, now I am focusing on my craft as a performer.

See his performance as one of the Amount Boyz:

Find out more about Maho and his work at www.maho-udo.com

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