24 Campaign Planks; H. Michael Sweeney for President of the United States?

The western front of the United States Capitol...

No one would, I hope, consider me a serious candidate, and certainly no one mainstream would consider my ‘extreme’ planks as reasonable… though that would show they have no clue as to what true conservative politics are. I am neither left nor right wing, though I have been called both. All I seek is to restore the country to the state it was in before government got so powerful it managed to destroy the country, a kind of political time warp going back some 50 to 100 years. In simpler terms, I’d restore the government of the United States to a Constitutional government as envisioned by our founding fathers. How left- or right-winged is that?

Indeed, all the policies put in place in that time span which have gone awry and led us astray would by those governmentals in power at the time would surely have seemed to be the radical (both to the left and the right) notions in the eyes of the likes of Jefferson, Hamilton, and Franklin, et. al. Our country had run just fine for more than 100 years without such changes, and is now on the verge of extinction because of them. So why not fix it? Because it’s radical?

But that all means is that I’m a a strict Constitutionalist, which also means I am per the current use of the term by media not just a radical extremist, but even a terrorist by some standards, which I take as a badge of honor in the face of the tyranny of an unconstitutional and lawless government. But then, so are you, too, just for reading this, because endless Draconian legislation and the public rhetoric of power brokers desperately seeking to retain status quo must consider you guilty by association.  FBI, in fact, now considers ANY contact with ‘extremist or terrorist’ groups as justification for surveillance targeting. I’ve written about that extensively in my books on personal privacy and security.

You have no right to use your mind as you see fit, and are a become part of a growing danger to the status quo (keep it up!). The government spies on everybody, and in their reasonable paranoia (because the angst of the 99% is nothing compared to the disgust felt by the many who did not hit the street out of fear). And it is that; they use fear of terrorism and of government heavy-handedness (Police, TSA, FBI, NSA, CIA, and others, to include even the military, of late) to tighten their grip, and event to get us to spy on each other. Replay of Nazi Germany tit for tat. Got your Brown Shirt and armband handy?

Because those of us who are fed up with the status quo… with the New Boss being the same as the Old Boss (and largely lost to their power-mad tyranny)… fed up with the corruption, the pork, the endless signing of Bills without even reading them (largely lost to their greed-driven treason)… and fed up with the steady march toward a New World Order and a Police State mentality (largely lost to their Globalist Fascism)… will LOVE my planks.

But since I am not running, let’s just say it is for mere entertainment and intellectual exercise that I present my planks… which might be described in a motto, ‘Restore the Republic.’ It would effectively de-centralize the Federal government’s power for all except things which were critical to National viability. What most of the Federal agencies are and their functions can be done better and less expensively, and more gently, by the States, or is best left undone at all. I seek to undo.

Unworkable? Unrealistic? Nieve? Sure. But the best ideals ever adopted by humanity through history started out that way. It was, in point of fact, one such ‘unrealistic’ ideal which drove both the French and US revolutions and their resulting Constitutional structures.  Those revolutions were driven by a multitude of nieve ideals, just one of which was stated in mutual paraphrase by both Jefferson and Montesquieu, here.

King John of England signing Magna Carta on Ju...

King John of England signing Magna Carta on June 15, 1215, at Runnymede; coloured wood engraving, 19th century. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This, and many other like remarks summed ‘radical notions’ unheard of before the Magna Carta, quite unworkable and unrealistic in face of the virtually unlimited power then held by Kings. But when ideals and goals are lofty enough, idealists everywhere will find a way to make them workable, and make them real, despite any ignorances in the beginning. Stumble along the way as we learn, say I. Far better to stumble going forward up a tough hill than to take easier path; sliding down the slippery slope of despair into the total ruination which seems now so near at hand for our once fair Land.

So you can’t vote for me (write in’s excepted), but you can try to pressure candidates to adopt these planks or some other workable overhaul, and vote for the ones that come closest to meeting your wishes. Right now, for me, that would be Ron Paul, in my opinion. Or you can give up and let the NWO win. Or you can pick up a gun and start a revolution with no guarantees of surviving the effort. There are no other choices, the later two so frightening and yet so near on the horizon by the clues at hand that I pray to God for a miracle to prevent them. I suspect we would agree some kind of an overhaul is in order, so humor me then, please, with an overview of the planks… not presented in any order intending to imply priority. Moreover, they are but a small sampling of wrongs in need of righting…

Plank Number One: Critical Review and Reversal of Presidential Executive Orders

In the first 90 days I would move to review thousands of Executive Orders since Lincoln with an intention of reversal of those which have quietly modified the institution of Government in ways which have proven to be tragic in the long run. For all my love for Lincoln, he started us down the path of ever growing, unchecked Federal power, the bulk of which resides in the Presidency. Some tweaking is in order, it would seem. We don’t know about every E.O., because untold hundreds of them are not for public consumption (which makes me nervous about their purpose and result.) But some of them we do know about, as they tend to make their way into the Federal Register (on line). Here are just a few examples… one of which curiously needs enforcement, rather than revocation.

Revoke EO 7933-A By Franklin D. Roosevelt. It allowed the IRS to investigate the finances of those under suspicion of unamerican activities, a provision in support of the McCarthy witch hunt in the Red Scare. Since it is still in place, even though the House Committee on Unamerican Activities no longer exists, this EO may represent a potential source of political targeting by the IRS against Muslims and the politically incorrect among us by our paranoid government.

Order the enforcement of EO 111110 by John F. Kennedy, which was intended to restore the power of the U.S. government to issue money, and end the ability of the private bank of the Federal Reserve from making loans in the form of Treasury Notes to the U.S. government and charging interest. THIS, is where the National Debt comes from. This EO was never enforced, perhaps because JFK’s assassination rendered it ‘unknown’ in some way, or irrelevant under the helm of Lyndon Johnson. However, it has never been revoked, but was ‘nullified’ by a sneaky E.O. 1208 by Ronald Reagan, which needs to be revoked. Upon such corrections, therefore, a new EO would be appropriate which denies that portion of the National Debt accrued since the signing of 111110 June 4, 1963. It is, by EO 111110, stolen money, ill-gotten gains. Go fish, Globalist bankers.

Revoke EO 6102 by Franklin D. Roosevelt, which prohibits citizens and corporations to ‘hoard’ Gold. Ostensibly to allow the U.S. Government to protect and enhance its own Gold reserves in backing of U.S. Currency, the EO remains non functional given that the U.S. no longer employs the Gold Standard, preferring instead to pay huge sums of interest for printing endless IOUs to the privately held Federal Reserve Bank, which is not a government agency. Revocation would allow free ownership and barter of all forms of Gold and Silver by any citizen or corporation for any purpose. Use it or lose it. Moreover, as President, I would demand a tour and inspection of content at Fort Knox to see if there is actually any gold left there, at all, or if it is now fake to cover a suspected theft.

Revoke EO 12148 by Jimmy Carter (and roughly 15 related E.O.s) which would disband F.E.M.A. A replacement agency which truly represented emergency management and did not represent a potential tool for total power grab and abuse of power as the agency has so faithfully exhibited as its true purpose or limit in ability (next paragraph). I would propose that each STATE have its own local FEMA replacement entity under local State Government oversight cojoined by a centralized Federal oversight body to insure that once activated, the State’s best interests were maintained with respect to cooperation in aid between States and the Federal level. Each State, however, is its own boss as to how and where such aid is delivered internally.

Few people realize how insidiously powerful FEMA becomes in the event of Martial Law or even a simple localized emergency declaration. They will control EVERYTHING including how much food you have on your shelf, if you can travel ANYWHERE (even to work), or if you can buy or possess ANYTHING, and much more. They gain control of all aspects of social life, including your kids, your medical choices, etc. And as seen in the aftermath of Katrina and in the wildfires of Texas, FEMA is NOT our friend, but our mortal enemy. Worse, that State of Emergency is already declared, and has been since 2001, and you will not believe what FEMA’s role is to be should they choose to act on their power. Under Reagan, plans were discussed at the highest levels of government for FEMA to intern blacks in concentration camps. You can bet there is an E.O. somewhere adding Muslims to that list. WTF? Now all those conspiracy theories about FEMA camps don’t seem quite so ‘theory.’

FEMA must die as a NWO Fascist instrument, which means a lot of E.O.s must be revoked.

Revoke EO 13158 by Bill Clinton and EO 13575 by Barack Obama, and others, which transfers large tracts of U.S. wild lands, rural and Agricultural lands to control of the United Nations with loss of sovereignty — no Congressional approval sought. The former to establish 47 ‘biospheres‘ where U.S. citizens have been threatened (by signs, mostly, but at times, by armed military types from unknown units and sometimes speaking foreign languages) with severe punishment for tresspass. Such acts had been reported frequently over the years in the now defunct Spotlight newspaper, with further documented covert military operations and/or Soviet made military hardware storage was taking place at biospheres, ostensibly U.N. related. Yet the U.N. officially states it has no such operations or equipment in the U.S.

The later has (Obama gave up rural/agriculture land) to do with something called Agenda 21  — which essentially sponsors corporate monopolies of the food supply, but which is seen as an extension to the biosphere scheme and heir apparent to Codex Alimentarius, which is its own matter to be undone in another plank. Agenda 21 is also quite related to massive depopulation and eugenics programs which would make Hitler’s attempts to eliminate Jews seem a mere cursing in the wind. Obama is further moving in that same direction in an attempt to turn over all agriculture to control in the U.S. to a few corporations spearheaded by Monsanto. Under Agenda 21, private ownership of land is not be allowed, nor is growing your own food, nor for the matter, growing natural food; all must be genetically modified and/or irradiated.

Plank Two: Force Congress to DO IT’S JOB

E.O.s are SUPPOSED to be reviewed by Congress and approved or denied, becoming de facto law if not denied. Congress has fallen down on the job, and my Plank would include requesting a law forcing Congress to… well, do what it should. It must debate, in closed hearing if necessary, each and every new E.O. and come to a decision within a narrow time line. In like manner, each Congressman MUST read every page of every bill. Only by being fully informed may one debate and decide legislation in a way useful to the nation and its people. And finally, no Bill may be passed which contains buried legislation unrelated to the Title of the Bill, thus ending Pork Barrel and time bombs waiting to be discovered. It it deserves to be law, let it be its OWN law unto itself, alone, or let it be non existent lest it foster ignorance of the law by its buried nature. If there was a way, I’d want the law to read that any Congressman who voted for a Bill which was found by the Supreme Court to trample on the Constitution would be subjected to an immediate recall vote (but that would likely also require State law changes).

Plank Three:

a) End the FED, b) establish a GNP Monetary System where money is
c) controlled and printed entirely by the government and  d) tied to the nation’s financial health.
Campaign poster showing William McKinley holdi...

Campaign poster showing William McKinley holding U.S. flag and standing on gold coin “sound money”, held up by group of men, in front of ships “commerce” and factories “civilization”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Based on the Gross National Product and the value of labor and goods, it is a bit complex to explain, here. The basic concept is that money supply cannot exceed the GNP (the value of the output of labor and goods). The GNP is to the number of workers a relationship by which the standard of living is evolved. More workers and lower GNP means lower standard of living, and less money minted, as does a constant GNP and more workers. But more workers and more GNP means a fairly stable standard of living, and money supply, while any boost in GNP greater than the increase in workers means a higher standard of living and more money. Interest rates would tend to remain constant or suffer mild fluctuations in all but the most severe of economic swings.

Minimum wage and adjustments thereto for promotions and the like would, in addition to performance merits, be based on a baseline GNP determination, not unlike the way we use a baseline Prime Lending Rate from which all other lending rates are devined. The price of goods would be based on the cost of production which includes the cost of labor, vs. the contribution the goods represent to the GNP. And then, of course, there is the matter of taxes – see next plank.

Plank Four: End the IRS as we know it

No more Federal personal income tax! No more Federal corporate tax! Instead a value added tax in the manufacturing processes. Raw material collection (taxed when sold to processors); raw materials processed (taxed when sold to manufacturers); processed materials made into components (taxed when sold to product manufacturers); products and assembled goods (taxed when sold to distributors/retailers), purchased by resellers to consumers – tax free except by State tax options. States would be encouraged to adopt the same model. The actual tax rate would be quite small, but 100% of all GNP commerce other than services would effectively be taxable and generate sufficient revenue to allow the Cost of Goods sold to cover the tax. Services are NOT taxed, and therefore, all such labor contributes 100% toward the GNP tax free.

Yes, you would pay more at the store for the goods you buy, perhaps offset somewhat by the lack of corporate taxes which are already causing prices to be higher, but you would no longer have 1/3 or more of your income eaten up by separate tax payments and you would have NO REPORTING OR FEDERAL SNOOPING, INDEPENDENT IRS COURT SYSTEM, and NO IRS TO WRITE ITS OWN LAWS, etc. And remember, much of the National Debt has been wiped out in Plank One, so taxes actually go to funding government operations, not to retire a bit of the national debt owed the banks for all that illegally printed money. A huge chunk of tax revenue today (up to 75% of taxes) goes directly to the banks as interest payments.

Plank Five: Make the nation pay for What it Buys When it Buys It

You want to buy a tank, Mr. Army? Want to build a spy satellite, Mr. CIA? Want to build a highway or dam, Mr. Congressman? Use the money you actually have in hand from tax collection, or you can’t have it. Don’t even think about writing legislation you can’t finance from taxes. A balanced budget with ZERO National Debt should be the law of the land. This also means that Social Security funds must be reimbursed and payments updated to reflect where they should have been prior to the looting process (SS is its own plank.)

It does NOT mean that you raise taxes to buy something you can’t afford at the moment. Since taxes are collected DAILY, the Congressional ‘checkbook’ has an income stream against which you may write legislative checks as you need them. Live within your means, Congressmen. Emergency funding for dire circumstance is handled by borrowing from the banks only to the extent that payments are clearly within the ability to pay from the monthly income stream. So I suppose the fat bankers can still sponge a bit off government, but it would in such a case also be to the advantage of government and to the people, where as currently there is only the one winner at the piggy trough.

Plank Six: End the Alphabet Soup Intelligence Agencies

The TSA, DOJ, FBI, DEA, CIA, NSA, DOD, DIA, HSA, etc., etc. represent a top heavy superstructure of spying on Americans that MUST stop. I’d rather completely fire all these people and deal with the aftermath of villains running amuck than put up with the crap I’ve seen first hand as victim of endless COINTEL PRO style targeting (of myself and my clients). This is the number one source of fear of government in America, exactly as it was in the Soviet Union before their revolution.

But that extreme is not required. Cleaning house, redefining goals, and placing checks-and-balance style limitations on them will, in most cases, be a good fix. In some cases, like HSA, NSA, CIA, the housecleaning will be so significant that they may feel like they were done away with, but their root defined core jobs will be left in tact. In other cases, redundancy is found to exist and that can be eliminated, and in yet others, there is simply no just purpose not better served by some other means. This plank would be a literal death warrant for any candidate so proposing, I’ve been repeatedly told. I mean assassination. So what does that tell you when U.S. Citizens fear their government such they believe  it would assassinate civilian politicians to preserve status quo?

Plank Seven: Give the Indians Back Their Land

English: United States Department of the Inter...

English: United States Department of the Interior advertisment offering ‘Indian Land for Sale’. The man pictured is a Yankton Sioux named Not Afraid Of Pawnee (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I would offer to the stoic Tribes of American Indians complete responsibility and control of all Federal Lands not used as military reservations. This would end the BLM, Fish and Wildlife, and assorted other agencies, and place forested and wild lands, national parks, and other lands in the care of the people who loved it most, and took far better care of it than have we. Much of the current budgets of these agencies would go to the Indians to fund that management. They would be required, of course, to allow free access to public lands, but empowered to stipulate rules of use to insure the lands were not fouled or abused. They would inherit the resources and manpower of the aforementioned agencies as tools they may freely mold and reshape as they see fit. All treaties would be rewritten to undo prior treacheries as well as could be managed, the new lands being added to their reservations under joint ownership, but useful to their communities to include relocation and new settlements. I would not intend Casinos or industrialization of the type now  all too easily approved on these lands, or other uses not now allowed, but all other good use to the Tribes would be their right.

Plank Eight: End Corporate Personhood As it Exists Today

Not quite an ending… but I’d move to make corporations more like real people. For one thing, that means they have a life time to live, and a means of producing children to survive them. At the end of their life, their children (spin off corporations) carry on the same family name, clients, products and services. Like real people, they also must be held accountable for their actions with real impact to the corporation as well as its Boards and Officers, and in a manner consistent with the same acts if committed by a real human. Toward the end of longevity (say 100 years), a corporation would split into one or more sub corporations (children), which would give all employees who ever worked for the corporation, even if just for one month, a pro rated share equal to their contribution in labor to be credited toward stock OPTIONS at the prior value of the original firm when they were FIRST hired. Over time, ownership falls more and more to employees and less and less to moguls and block stock investors.

By such a scheme retirement programs might be eliminated, providing a nest egg for retirees without increasing corporate obligations over time, and the ‘children’ would gain fresh funding for a growth spurt during their formative years. I would seek controls of Boards of Directors which prevent the same men from sitting on multiple Boards in a manner which puts too much control of a sector into too few hands. I would end the revolving door; seeking a ten-year waiting period for government personnel before allowing them to work for firms in any sector in which they held a position of related service in government, and in like manner disallow any member of an industry to serve as more than advisor to government, certainly not as administrator in any government oversight of that industry’s affairs. To be hired by a firm as a former government employee, and vice versa, should be based on expertise born of their experience and not clout and pull still in place with staffs remaining in recently vacated offices. Period!

Plank Nine: Establish a Free Press and Transparency in Government

Currently there exists a kind of de facto partnership in America (and a mirror situation in other ‘free’ countries) between the Military, Industrial, Intelligence, and Media sectors… forming MIIM, the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media complex. Media is controlled by a small handful of individuals who are largely in bed with the other sectors. At one time (at the time of the friendly fire shoot-down of flight 800), all three major television networks were outright subsidiaries of military contractors, which is why they fired any reporter who said anything on air about friendly fire.

Currently, there still remains employed within media, which includes the entertainment and advertising sectors, thousands, if not tens of thousands, of CIA and other agency personnel, to include military proponents serving as mouthpieces for the very undue influence President Eisenhower warned of when he left office (listen carefully to his Farewell Address video and you will see that he warned us about almost everything these planks address). This was a direct outgrowth of CIA Operation Mockingbird, and only the tip of the current iceberg.

If a means of insuring that ownership has no impact on editorial and reporting departments cannot be easily found, I’d just as soon provide equal funding to alternative underground news sources. All employees who were government shills would need to resign or face charges of treason if uncovered after the fact, because disinformation is treasonous in any government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Thus media must have good access to government, and government must be frank with media. While national security can make it important not to reveal the full truth of a given matter, lies should never be national policy, at home, or abroad. Even an enemy MUST know we are truthful that they not misread our intentions, and we should never betray a friend by a lie, especially our best friends, our very own citizens.

Plank Ten: End Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy as We Know It

National Security Action Memorandum No. 6 Plan...

National Security Action Memorandum No. 6 Plan of Reorganization of the Foreign Aid Program – NARA – 193406 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Foreign Policy and any resulting aid should be about helping those in time of great need. It should be about bolstering defenses of weaker nations against predator nations. It should be about encouraging free Republics and free enterprise (not Democracy, and not capitalism or free trade – there are significant differences). It should be about bootstrapping struggling nations that they might become financial and social partners in World building (not New World Order building). It should be about assuring health and wellbeing of human kind ((not the wellbeing of the big pharma firms), and done regardless of race or political creed.

It should not be about politics, fat military contracts, or quid quo pro deals for fat cats. Israel is a strong, wealthy, proud, and fully independent nation. Mutual defense agreements, yes. Arms sales at competitive prices, yes. But the billions must stop flowing to them and other nations as a means of buying loyalties, funding MIIM, and aiding the march of the NWO. You don’t buy friends and good neighbors, you build good neighbor relationships and cement friendship by actions, by standing by them in a time of need, and by being fair. You don’t take food out of your own children’s mouth and give it to the neighbors when they have their own.

Plank Eleven: Fix Health Care and Confront Pharma

Step one is to forbid Pharma to advertise to the public. Doctors, perhaps, via medical journals. This will lower prescription prices. Step two is to forbid insurance companies from forcing deductibles or co-pay minimums at term start, which effectively eliminates the poor from getting health care even when they have insurance. I myself have insurance which I and my children cannot use for this cause. Step three is to stop the fat-cat billing schemes inherent in Medicaid and Medicare which allow hospitals and doctors to rake in tons of money for outrageous charges and unnecessary procedures. These need to be replaced with a monitoring system that rewards discovery of overcharges and excessive billing.

In my own extended family I can cite countless thousands of dollars in endless examples both at private practice and hospital levels. Step four is to establish government oversight, which will never work unless the FDA and CDC is eliminated and replaced with a body that protects the people rather than the corporations. Step five is to FULLY investigate the origins of HIV, Avian, and other man made virus,’ including Cancer, and to ALLOW alternative medicine cures to be explored.

Step six (step one, really) is to shred Codex Alimentarius, Agenda 21, and related NWO efforts. GMO crops should be illegal unless passing stringent tests by outside agencies. Currently, it seems, no GMO crop could pass such a test and represent a greater long-term health threat than the Black Plague. A Congressional investigation of Monsanto actions is in order.

Plank Twelve:  Fix Agriculture and Immigration

Step one is to make it illegal for any firm to control more than 15% (or some number which assures competition still thrives) of a food supply or aspect of production and distribution — no monopolies such as enabled by GMO and Agenda 21. Step two is to enforce current labor laws against employers instead of focusing only on illegal workers, which would tend to make illegal migrant emigrants less of a an issue. Step three is to naturalize all current illegal aliens who can pass minimum tests for language, non criminality, and health, and simultaneously truly seal the borders and evict all who do not pass the standards. Step three is to allow conditional work visas for would-be emigrant migrant workers based on a system of work demand vs. worker supply such that if non emigrants will take the jobs, they may more easily do so without competition from illegals. Step five is to stop teaching mainstream courses in multiple languages in our schools. You must know English to go to school, where if you wish to learn a second language as its own course, you may do so. So if you want to be a migrant worker crossing the border, learn English first or leave your kids behind.

Plank Thirteen: Stop the RFID Technology Threat

EPC RFID Tag with permission of SMARTCODE Corp...

EPC RFID Tag  by CEditor                         (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you do not understand the nature and threat which Radio Frequency Identification Devices represent to your personal liberty, then you have not read my books or been paying good attention to the Web. I suggest you can ‘catch up’ by listening to my Webinar interview with Republic Magazine… about 32 minutes into the interview. The one simple way to stop RFID as a threat is to simply require them to be removable or destroyed at point of purchase, and that all such product be prominently labeled.

Plank Fourteen: Stop Canamex COLD, Kill NAFTA/CAFTA and Job Exportation

This is a broad topic beyond the scope of usefulness in this (already too-long) an article. I would simply repeal or renegotiate the agreements in place and write Canamex out of existence. See my blog post on Lion Dance, or request my free newsletter  on Canamex for an eye opening explanation of why this is a critical step; email proparanoid at comcast net.

Plank Fifteen: End the Drug War and decriminalize illicit drugs, empty the prisons.

America, with a population on par with Europe, has a half million people behind bars for drug related matters, more prisoners per capita in this one category than most other nations have for all crimes combined. It is a fake drug war prosecuted by a CIA front agency (the DEA was founded by top CIA operatives) as a tool to protect illicit drug sales by sanctioned CIA conduits. It forces the price (and profits) artificially high, and fosters a prison-based economy to the delight of corporate greedsters. Take away the criminality and replace it with treatment, and it will cost our economy one tenth as much, boost GNP, and make it less profitable for Cartels and CIA alike. Pushers stay in jail, users walk.

Plank Sixteen: Fix Voting and Census

The Census is very critical to certain functions of government, including Districting for voter representation and the voting process. But the Census can be done in a way which is not invasive and a violation of privacy, and is kinder to those less disposed to cooperate. The solution is similar to a solution I have in mind for fixing the less-than-trustworthy voting system. These solutions are too complex to fit a paragraph or two, but essentially decouple raw information from the identity of the individual after a simple verification process, which is to say, that in the passing of information, identity verification simultaneously dissociates the information with the individual. Additionally, a verification process facilitates the individual’s ability to verify their vote or census material was correctly tallied and attributed as intended, all the way up the ladder to the final tally. The general method may be loosely described as being similar to certain email encryption schemes involving keys in possession of both the sender and the recipient.

Plank Seventeen: Get at and Expose the Truth

JFK, RFK, MLK, Peltier, Riconosciuto, Christic Institute’s Secret Team, Mena, OKC, Waco, S&L, CIA/DOD  mind control, MJ-12 and UFOs, and above all, 9-11 and the Derivatives Scam. Conspiracy theories, my a**. If the official facts are in conflict with themselves and defy reality and/or logic, but are accepted and tendered as truth, that is a kind of proof of a cover up, and any time you have a cover up, it is automatically a conspiracy as a matter of fact. It therefore justifies further investigation by independent and unbiased participants. Truthers will out.

Plank Eighteen: End Globalist Traitor Domination of Government(s)

You cannot be a patriot and serve fellow citizens in office if your true allegiance is to a Globalist agenda which would seek the end of national sovereignty. An oath of political office should include declaration of non alliance, affiliation, membership, or sympathy for the goals of Globalist organizations such as the Bilderbergers, Tri-Lateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones, and the like. To violate the oath would make one subject to prosecution and imprisonment.

Plank Nineteen: Kill the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media Complex

While this has already been addressed in part above, I would additionally want every black operation and military and intelligence project currently in works or previously undertaken reviewed. Where such operations were deemed either in support of a New World Order or in support of MIIM profiteering or power grabs, all persons associated with it at management level would be subject to investigation and possible prosecution for treason.

Plank Twenty: Fix Social Security

This is easy to do. As we see in planks 3 and 4, funding SS as it was intended will be quite doable, with additional help by easing of government costs resulting from many of the other planks. Further, plank 8 gives employees of corporations a built-in retirement program vastly superior to SS, and thus SS obligations now active would be come locked in or ‘grandfathered,’ but it would become a voluntary program at each new employment opportunity. Further, I would enforce the law regarding SS numbers and force the elimination of all electronic data and forms outside of the Social Security Office of said numbers. It has no place in credit reports and other records.

Plank Twenty One: Explore an alternative to Daylight Savings Time; Social Time

Our highways are clogged, unemployment is high, classrooms are crowded, stress is high. A long list of such social complaints can be offered. I propose a review of what I call Social Time, presented here in oversimplified explanation; a work day definition is cut to seven and a half hours paid, plus another hour for lunch and breaks, but the bulk of social infrastructure both private and governmental would be expanded from ‘a day’s work’ to a full 24 hour work cycle. That would mean, with broad participation (voluntary for the most part), that businesses and agencies would be open at all hours, which would dramatically reduce volume of client traffic at any given hour and spread it out somewhat evenly over the whole clock.

This would allow some reduction in manpower needs on an hourly basis, yet often provide new jobs to support the extra hours. As time progresses, the work day for an individual would start 90 minutes later each day, thus revolving everyone through all twenty-four hours over the space of just under a month — 14 times a year. We would not need to build more schools to reduce classroom crowding, or more transportation systems to handle population growth, etc. GNP and employment could only benefit, and make the country more competitive. Part and parcel of this idea is to END PART TIME EMPLOYMENT loopholes for employers who don’t want to offer benefits. EVERYONE GETS BENEFITS, but under the various planks outlined above, the cost to employers for benefits will decrease.

Plank Twenty Two: Establish True Redress and an Initiative Process

Whistleblowing shall not be punished. Lawsuits against government for violation of rights or constitutional violations shall be funded by government. In balance, should government win the case, the costs will fall back to the plaintiff. Any citizen can propose a law for consideration in a process similar to that found in several states, such as Oregon. If such proposed law meets constitutional tests, is written to legal requirements, well defined and stated, and can earn popular support (signatures of citizens who so support), it can be sent to Congress for debate and possible passage. In Oregon, the law goes to the ballot for vote by the people, as does all legislation proposed by State legislators. See next Plank on how this might play at a national level.

Plank Twenty Three: Review of possible Constitutional Change from Republic to Advocated Democracy

Especially where initiative process (prior plank) is in play, the use of the Internet could allow, with careful creation of safeguards as also addressed in earlier planks, a way to allow the people to vote on Bills rather than Congressmen. This would be an Advocated Democracy, where elected Representatives (the Republic style) would instead merely propose or debate initiative proposed laws. This would be broadcast and each citizen would then decide to vote for or against the legislation. No more pork barrel, no more bribed Senators, no more fat cats, no more buried language, no more end-run legislation. Just pure simple will of the people.

Plank Twenty Four: End Non Consensual Testing on unwitting subjects, and use of Political Control Technology (PCT)

Last but perhaps foremost in terms of being close to my heart. While current laws prohibit non consensual testing or use of weapons, drugs, and procedures on citizens, there are far too many loopholes which allow it to take place. In my books I cite countless examples, and as consultant I work with victims of it every day. Worse, the very agencies established for the purpose or which otherwise have authority to enforce such laws, are compromised by intent or by lack of training and resources, not to mention handicapped by their very belief structures. It is a sin that Police, for instance, automatically presume one crazy for hearing voices in their head when it is a known fact that CIA and Department of Defense has spend billions to develop technology which allows anyone to be targeted with such experiences, generally with the express purpose of discrediting the target by making them seem mentally imbalanced.

I’ve already proposed language for laws which properly address this topic, and submitted them in written testimony to the Massachusetts State Legislator when they were considering such a Bill. Currently, the military and CIA are developing new PCT faster than we can learn of it, generally under the guise of antiterrorism and funded through Homeland Security. It is a joke to presume that any of this technology can in any way prevent terrorism. It can only enable political control of the population, and nothing more.

About Author H. Michael Sweeney

Author of privacy/security/abuse of power, Founder Free Will Society, PALADINs (Post Apocalyptic Local Area Defense Information Network)

Posted on July 1, 2012, in Abuse of Power, Conspiracy, History, military, News Events, Political Commentary, Targeted Individuals, Technology, Unemployment and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Seems better than what we have now, but why allow any EO. Drop all of them as illegal acts as soon as they write one. The one major error among so many that were formed under tricky dick, is the health care scam called HMO’s. When the cost was removed from the personal interaction between patient and the doctor,,, the middleman raked in undue profit for what,,, being the middle man. The other major error from the tricky dick is the war on some drugs,,, or “prohibition of any other intoxicant but alcohol. How many know that alcohol IS THE WORST intoxicant a human could use? Is it the only “legal” one due to the violation of the first thought of the First Amendment, “respecting an establishment of religion”? I say yes it is. All intoxicants ‘shall be as legal as booze is, or freer’ by the order of our Constitution (bill of rights included there). I can go on picking a few things apart, but that should suffice for now.
    Back in the 1980’s I would have only changed three things, federally.

    One) National Heath Care with NO restrictions. The doctor decides with the patients consent.
    Two) Ending all prohibitions of any “drug” or plant. Imagine the pharmaceuticals going ape, a good thing.*
    Three) The Small taxation of ten percent of all business, no exception even for those for profit “non-profit” (the quotes are mandated) organizations.

    The last one,,, why did so many “churches pop up? As a tax dodge. Does PTL ring any criminal bells? Why allow the devilish thieves get off the tax role for preaching lies to the gullible ones? Okay, so your church does good for the poor (yeah right), so why allow those that preach a devils lies (all the other sects / cults that are not your own) enrich themselves?

    *how were so many fixes for certain problems with chemicals found out? Through the ‘street’ use of them.

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