Abandoned Part 4

Abandoned part4


Police report. Murder of Ridgeback cycle, Churchill Way, Cardiff.

The victim John Doe, black paint, approximately 23lbs, found brutally murdered in Churchill way Cardiff sometime prior to discovery on the 1st December 2012 at 12.40pm. Cause of death; removal of wheels, chainset, seatpost, cranks, pedals, headset, stem, handlebar, shifters, brake levers and derailleurs (front and rear). No visible sign of a struggle. No witnesses. Body decomposition suggests exposure to elements for at least 14 days, evidenced by rust on chain. Damage sustained to down tube may have existed prior to incident. Restraining lock displays no evidence of attempts to force entry, possibly due to existing damage on down tube. Motivation appears to be removal of body parts for purposes unknown.  A discarded box of Marlboro light cigarettes was discovered at the crime scene.

This bike has been completely eviscerated. Ripped apart. Cannibalised. As you’d expect, it has happened bit by bit, though I suspect the wheels and seatpost went first. Such are the dangers of utilising only one lock in the centre of a city.

More in the series: Abandoned Part 1, Abandoned Part 2, Abandonded Part 3

If you come back to your bike to find it decimated by detritivores, please think about passing any unwanted bits to local social enterprises such as The Cardiff Cycle workshopThe Bristol Bike Project or ReCycling (London). This is part of an ongoing series to highlight cycle security, abandoned and vandalised bikes.

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