Paranoia, hope and fear!

Hope & Fear
Phillip Toledano was born in London to a French Moroccan mother, and an American father. He believes that photographs should be like unfinished sentences. There should always be space for questions.

In this 2004 shoot entitled Hope & Fear, Toledano expresses the external manifestation of internal desires and paranoia that are adrift in contemporary American society. What are we afraid of? What do we love? How does our society function, and what does it worship?

All costumes are real (and surreal).

I think paranoia can be instructive in the right doses. Paranoia is a skill.
John Shirley

Dreaming in a pragmatic way
Full of dreams
I reject your reality
Freaky love triangle
Minimalism is for quitters


  1. Some really powerful imagery, especially the abaya, the baby suit and the dress of hands. I’m gonna go look for more of this guy’s stuff. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. These are stunning. I love the use of Amican (US) mythology with undertones evocative of classic myth. The first image reminds of Diana of the Hundred Breasts. Lovely.

  3. Beautiful images and powerful statements. The first one blew me away with its creativity. For a moment I thought it was a photoshop manipulation. The collection has inspired me to look at another way to process structure for art.
    I am constantly amazed every time I visit one of your posts.

  4. Very mind-blowing! And yeah, I think he’s hit the nail right on the head with “external manifestation of internal desires and paranoia”… Wow.

    I feel… seen through.

  5. Pingback: Surreal psychedelic sessions « Chicquero

  6. Pingback: Opposite attraction « Chicquero

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