A weekly devotional by Reverend Dr. Kevin Schwamb

The letters above are the top two lines you are often asked to read by an optometrist as they seek to determine your visual acuity. A lack of clear vision today can be easily corrected through prescription lenses, contacts, or even surgery. But there is another type of vision that is far more important and more difficult to determine. In the Old Testament wisdom book of Proverbs we read, “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraints, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” Spiritual vision and discernment is a necessity if we are to follow God’s will, corporately and individually. Proverbs 29:18 serves as both a reminder and a challenge that vision comes from the Word of God and without it we will grow discouraged and fail.
So the next time you are popping in your contacts, adjusting your glasses, or just enjoying 20/20 vision stop to check your spiritual vision and understanding of what God wants you to be doing.