Is Faith a Cop-out?

A weekly devotional by Reverend Dr. Kevin Schwamb

According to Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and best- selling author, the answer is “Yes”! Dawkins goes on to elaborate that “Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate the evidence.” Now everyone is entitled to their opinion, but is this statement verifiable and true? Is the affirmation that God cannot and does not exist based on science or is it a statement of belief based on blind faith?

Throughout history, theists (those who believe in the existence of God) and Christians have led the way in scientific research and humanitarian efforts. From Albert Einstein to Thomas Edison, the existence of design in the universe has led the founding fathers of many academic disciplines to the conclusion that this complexity can only come from God. The Bible repeatedly encourages us to engage our minds in philosophy (the study of wisdom), theology (the study of God) because all truth originates with God and points to Him.

The psalmist writes, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.” The world is never “God-less” as the information and complexity of the universe continuously shouts out, “There is a God.” Therefore moral absolutes exist, there is meaning in life, and all of humanity is accountable before Him.

Only Christianity calls us to test everything and hold on to what is good. For when we embark in the examination of true science, we will conclude that faith in the God of the Bible is not a cop-out but makes perfect sense.