Need a Job Reference?

A weekly devotional by Reverend Dr. Kevin Schwamb

The value of a well written letter of recommendation can be priceless in today’s competitive job market. But even in the first century, personal references and recommendations paved the way for an effective career. In the letter of Philippians the apostle Paul issues the highest praise for his spiritual son in the faith Timothy. In chapter two, verses 20-22, Paul commends Timothy to the believer’s in Philippi with the words, “I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.” Paul endorses Timothy as one whose soul has no equal in his concern for those entrusted to his care. In the next verse Paul adds that Timothy has “proven worthy” or shown himself to be reliable servant of Jesus Christ, as a result of having endured trials.

Too often today written recommendations are filled with empty platitudes and praises intended to impress a potential employer rather than provide an honest appraisal of the applicant’s character and spiritual aptitude. Paul’s letter of recommendation, on behalf of Timothy, reminds us that God is not impressed by our list of accomplishments but our willingness to humbly serve Him.

Would you want Paul writing a personal reference letter for you?