Hot Topic Tuesday: Getting More Traffic To Your Web Site

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Top 10 Tips To Getting More Traffic To Your Web Site

by JacquelineJax
If your on the Internet, then I’m sure you already know that it’s no easy task to getting people to visit your web site. I’m here to tell you that there is an art to attracting traffic to your web site. Now, assuming that you already have a terrific Hybrid Website to share, here are some quick tips for attracting more visitors and keeping them interested once you get them there. (if you don’t have a hybrid website, then I hope your subscribed to our blog at because we’ll be sending more information on that to our subscribers.

1) First lets Consider Your Image – Have you ever heard the saying, a pictures worth a thousand words? Your pictures tell your story and that story is who you are and who you aspire to be. What makes people like Steven Tyler, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Bono, Mick Jagger and Lady Gaga trend setters? They know how to put themselves out there in ways that we can relate to. I leave you with this thought. Be yourself but take a step back before releasing images- they may not paint an accurate picture of who you are and what your selling.

2) SEO Optimization – Search engines send robot “spiders” to index the content of your webpage, so be sure to take the necessary steps to prepare your webpages for optimal indexing. Get started by using keyword rich titles on every page of your web site. Next be sure to add informative and sincere text carefully describing what you are selling or presenting on your pages. (if you don’t know enough about SEO optimization, then never fear I have you covered stay tune for our future guides on building your web site right here on A.V.A Live Radio)

3) Subscribe Now buttons- make it your priority to build your company list. Be sure to place a subscribe now box on every page of your web site. You can not start a marketing campaign without potential clients to market to and it’s very important to encourage every visitor to join your list.

4) Start a twitter and facebook account in your web name and share pages from your web site with details about that page. Tell friends in your social network and email list about what’s happening on your site daily, weekly and monthly. Keeping your site current and active is key to creating a place people will want to come back to.

5) Blogging: I suggest you start a blog about something that really interests you and that also has to do with your product. You really have to think out side the box before you decide which direction to blog in but it’s a terrific way to get a dialog started with your supporters. Plus a blog format is fun and easy to update from your phone, iPad or computer. Posts can be stories, events, updates or you can take a picture and post it up with a comment about where you are. But make it fun. The more fun you have with your social media tools, the more likely people will enjoy what your doing.

6) Be genuine. Avoid the hard sell tactics of the major brands. People don’t like to be treated like dummies. Posting a comment about a product, service or music will leave a far better impression than another boring add so keep it real and your friends will keep watching.

7) Drawings & Giveaways! Who doesn’t love free stuff? If your generous with your clients, you will not only get their attention, they will definitely be talking about you. Believe me, there is no better advertising than word of mouth and this is a terrific way to build your mailing list of people who already like your products. Don’t be stingy guys, you have to spend money to make money. So be generous with your products and music. Remember, there are alot of competitive products out there. Your goal is to believe in your products and get it into the hand of your target audience.

8) Business cards- an old but necessary step. Business cards are still today’s most important thing to have if you want to drive traffic to your web site. Business cards are not only really inexpensive, they are a great way to deliver information about your product or service. You’ll need to design a high quality, exciting card with your name, product slogan, logo, web site, and contact information on it. Remember, your card is your first impression so make it a lasting one. Money is no excuse either, online sites like vista print offer super low first order prices with terrific full color card options. So go get it done.

9) Video – Video is an awesome way to advertise your products and let people get to know you as a business owner or musician. Set up a great looking YouTube channel and start creating high quality videos for your music or products. Most of our computer have built in HD cameras but if you don’t you can easily pick one up for around $70 that will do a great job. Be sure to use editing software to add that special polish to your frames and never rush to post. I have a 24 hour rule. If the video still Impresses me 24 hours after I have finished it, then it’s ok to post. If you want to learn more about cameras and editing options, there are tons of tutorials on YouTube. In fact, I’ll be sure to post some links up on the channel to help you.

10) Relax it takes time
Many of you have been asking how long it takes to build up a following for your music or business. Truthfully, once you have a smashing online presence, you have to be religious about your efforts daily. Many of the people you admire have most likely been at it for at least a year and have not only given their brand alot of thought but have had their image finely tuned by a professional. Stick with it, and don’t get discouraged by a slow start. It’s all about tweeking your plan to maximize your results as you go along.

I hope my tips on “Getting more hits on your web site” were helpful. If you have questions, please be sure to leave them below.