New Music Monday Rocks America with Ed Concepcion

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Join host Jacqueline Jax as she rocks America with singer songwriter metal rocker Ed Concepcion. Listen to his amazing journey through music working with different artists to signing his new deal to make his solo album. Also featuring music by Robb Hill, Iridesense, and Fabrockators.

Songs: Tear Down The Wall (Warfare), It’s an Illusion (Warfare), To Much is never enough, Shattered Reality

Artists links:

Up Close and Personal with Ed Concepcion

Jacqueline:: What are three things that would surprise us to know about you?
  1.  I originally moved to South Florida to be an airplane mechanic but quit school to play music.
  2. I used to be a worship leader for a program in the Salvation Army and turned worship into metal.
  3. I didn’t start singing until I moved to Florida at 25 years old.
Jacqueline:: How do you feel about the music business today?
Ed:: I feel it is in much need of passion. The music industry has become dulled down and bubble gum. It needs the passionate artists that wrote epic songs that live on forever! Who will write the songs that will be charting 20 years later?
Jacqueline:: Name three words that best describe you and why?
Ed:: High-energy,crazy,passionate. High energy because I am at 100 miles an hour as soon as I wake until I sleep. People half my age can’t keep up with me. Crazy because I will say almost anything at anytime to crack someone up and put a smile on their face. Passionate because of the feeling I put into EVERYTHING I do. If it’s not worth putting my whole heart into it, I won’t attempt it at all.
Jacqueline:: Who was the single most influential person in your music journey so far?
Ed:: My mother for starting it.
Jacqueline:: What has been the most successful thing you have done to publicize your music thus far?
Ed:: Hands down, it would have to be Reverbnation along with facebook and youtube. All 3 cross promote very well.

Personal note from Artist:

It all started for me when I was 14 and I asked my dad for a saxophone. Now there is a sexy instrument. My dad was too cheap so he bought me a clarinet. Nothing sexy about that! Me? On a woodwind? Never!  So I did what any manipulative 14 year old boy with divorced parents would do. I asked my mom for a guitar and this started a life-long passion for writing and playing music. I was always into the heavier side of everything listening to bands like Iron Maiden, Slayer, Anthrax, and OverKill. My admiration for bands like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd came much later in life. I grew up on the Jersey shore playing in various projects as a rhythm guitarist. I moved to South Florida in 1993 and met guitarist Eric Wright. That’s when things started really taking off and I realized my potential as a lead singer and song writer. Eric had a lot of music written and needed lyrics and vocal melodies. They flowed out of me like wine and Shattered Reality was formed. The first time we hit the stage was 1 year later at a battle of the bands at the Plus Five in Fort Lauderdale. We chose to go all original. We slaughtered the competition! When we got off stage, strangers asked us to sign their tickets because they thought we were going to be famous quickly. Sadly that was not the case. We dominated the local metal scene and broke up 2 years later. I played in various projects over the next 3 years writing music the whole time but never sharing it with the bands I was in because there was nothing serious. Then I met guitarist Steve Mirable who had amazing abilities but could not write. With my song writing and his shredding we formed Warfare but when auditioning bass players, we could not find a committed one. So, after much frustration, I became a bass player. Then we found Roman Vohsalik, who was exactly the drummer we were looking for, and we were now Warfare the power trio, sounding like a cross between Iron Maiden, Metalica, Rush, and Kiss. Once again, we hit the stage a year later with all originals, and blew the crowd away with our originality, stage presence, and tightness. I believe that music should be done right. A true depiction of the artist/songwriter’s heart conveyed through the instruments of others. That’s why I took a year from the formation to the unveiling of each serious project, especially when I’m writing the music. Warfare recorded a 9 song LP in 2001 and broke up at the end of 2002. I continued to play the local South Florida scene in various bands and projects until 2009 when I decided to go completely solo due to lack of dedication of others and the heartbreak associated with the breakup of a band. I concentrated my solo career in Broward County playing places like, Kahunas, American Rock, Cheers,  Crabby Jack’s, and numerous gigs in the Fort Lauderdale/Miami/Dade area. I moved from Deerfield Beach to Delray Beach in 2012 were I continue to write and play cutting edge, original music.

Regards, Ed Concepcion