Entry #2: Trouble Communicating? Get Writing!


July 2013 Entry 2

Even if the pedigree of written communication is being eroded by text messages and thumb-tapped emails, the basis of your message—even the success of your small business—relies on clear and effective writing.

What you’re saying to your customers is only as good as how you say it.  Every single person on your sales team, in fact, any one in your organization who has to regularly communicate with clients, should look for a good online business writing course.  These are more convenient than the traditional classroom-setting, allowing your team to finish them on their own schedule at home on their tablet or laptop.  You can even find some free one-minute writing tips and ask everyone in your office to try them out.  The added benefits, of course, is that the clearer you write, the clearer you speak–and what better time is there to be well-spoken than in front of a client?

I know it’s a simple idea, but you know what Mark Twain said, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

Thank you,

Pamela E. Hurley, PhD, President LinkedIn Icon 55px
Hurley Write, Inc.
Tel: 877-24WRITE (249-7483)
Company Blog
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About Dan Gallo

I'm a small business lifer, starting/running businesses since I sold seeds door-to-door as a kid in The Bronx. I've played guitar and enjoyed baseball since I was 5 (born a NY Yankees fan). Just prior to marrying Kim in 1983 I became a Christian. We have two sons; Daniel's a musician & social media expert with a smart, insightful sense of humor, and Adam who recently graduated from Brooklyn College double majoring in Creative Writing/Literature and Anthropology. Adam now works in the non-profit sector. Since 2002 one thing we love to do together is go on service/missions trips to Belize. We've collectively spent 60+ weeks in Belize with this missions organization http://twaw.org. I started my 1st company in January 1985, and been self-employed ever since. I sold my last company, Mentor Communications Group, in '04. After 2 years w/ the acquiring company I started The Allasso Group, LLC doing Small Business Consulting, Fund Raising/Capital Raise-up Campaigns, Sales Strategy, Outsourced Sales Agency work, & Digital Marketing Programs (Social Media, SEM, etc.) since April 2006. Notable projects: Hired as Small Business Advocate and Social Media Director for IBM's "Supplier-Connection" - Feb '11-Dec '13. Hired as COO to help turn-around late stage start-up software company myVRM. Jul12-Dec '13 Hired as CEO of CoupleWise.com, a Digital Health2.0 app, to write business plan, raise seed capital, & completely redesign and relaunch the app. Aug '16 I won a Finalist spot for MassChallenge UK's 2016 fall cohort in London from Sept thru Nov. Started Oct15 - Current. I enjoy helping turn-around struggling small businesses, and launching new business ventures. Feel free to contact me with opportunities.
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