Date, Almond, Coconut & Banana Slice

So I tried something new and it turned out so delicious, I thought I better share! I love this because its takes about 30 seconds to make, has no sugar but is a yummy sweet treat. You paleontologists will love this!

Now, my style of cooking is pretty experimental, and I try to keep things as healthy as possible. The other thing about these type of “recipes” is that I sometimes don’t remember exactly how much I put in. Here’s a guide..

Banana date nut slice


2 c almond meal*
1 c dates
1 c desiccated coconut
3/4 c cashew nuts
1/2 – 3/4 c coconut oil
2 bananas
2 eggs

Chop dates and cashews and add them to almond meal and coconut in a bowl. In another bowl, mash up all your wet ingredients together – eggs, oil, banana and vanilla. Then make a well in the dry ingredients and mix!
Pour into a slice tin and cook for about 25 mins or so. Eat hot, cold or frozen!

*Please note… I never use pre made almond meal, I buy bulk almonds (from Aldi mostly) and blitz them in the food processor myself. It’s much cheaper and you get a wholemeal effect from the skin still being on, plus they aren’t blanched or anything. Win!


  1. Could you please tell me what temperature to cook this at? Also – could I just make my own dessicated coconut in my Vita-Mix by just pulsing it until it turned to powder? Thanks!


    1. Good morning! 🙂 I cooked mine at 180degrees Celsius until it was golden on top…sorry I’m not sure of the conversion. With the coconut, do you mean putting fresh coconut in? I have never made my own, but I think it’s a great idea! Bought desiccated coconut is probably quite old and dry, you might need to dry it out a bit?? Do some experiementing! Let us know how you go 🙂


      1. Thank you so much for the reply! I used an online temperature converter, and 180C converts to 350F (356 if we want to get technical, which I do not – LOL!). I think that I will just put unsweetened shredded coconut into my Vitamix and pulse until it becomes very fine. I think I could put it into my dehydrator to dry it out some too. That shouldn’t take very long with it being so fine. Thank you again for the reply & for the great recipe! It looks delicious & healthy too! I will post a link to this recipe on my FB page called Healthified Living. Please feel free to swing by and take a looksie! Have a super day!


      2. Great! Thanks 🙂 I am very keen to get a dehydrator myself, that sounds like a really good way to make coconut. I’m sure you’d get much more nutrition than the store bought stuff provides. I will definitely check out your page too! 🙂


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