Drowning My Sorrows in Guac or Let’s Go Pats… I Guess


You know I’m a 49er fan, so I feel I need to backtrack to earlier this day…

There was so much hope…

I made this killer guac!


We were headed over to visit some friends to see the NFC Championship Game.



Winner goes to the Super Bowl against the Patriots…

Loser goes home.

Considering this was a football party, I was prepared for copious amounts of “junk food”.

Knowing this, I was on the lookout for the perfect wine to pair for the event.

Here’s what I chose…

Piper Sonoma Brut sparkling wine...

Here’s how it went down…

Color: Pale yellow.

Nose: The aroma was dominated by lime fruit with a bit of peach, followed by a touch of yeast.

Taste: This is a mineral driven wine.  Tons of river rocks covered with a lime fruit acidity.  There is a medium finish of fresh-baked sour dough bread.  Quite dope.

Score: 88

First, I paired the wine with some potato chips… The acidity cut right through the fatiness of the chips to give a round and smooth finish.

Next, I tried the Piper Sonoma with some guacamole… The crisp wine provided a nice contrast to the creaminess of the guac.

Back to the game…

You can look up the final score on the interweb.

All I remember is that we went to overtime…

My buddies and I decided to text pictures of food to each other for luck.

Dave Thevegtetarian sent me a picture of pizza dough, so I fired back with this…

Cheese Balls!

He came back with some mixed nuts, so I shot this pic…

Deviled Eggs... Ewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

Next thing I knew, the Giants kicked a field goal to win the game…


The crowd scattered in an instant.

Now I’m home, and I just don’t know what to do…

At least I got this guac…

Let's go Pats... I guess.

Thanks for a great season, Niners.

Stay Rad,


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6 Responses to “Drowning My Sorrows in Guac or Let’s Go Pats… I Guess”

  1. Lauren Says:

    It’s times like these I’m glad I just don’t care that much about sports.

    Guac looks great, though!

  2. Mike C. Says:

    I knew when you sent me the cheese puff picture the Niners were toast! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  3. Marcello Buonarotti Says:

    The NIners should have beat the Giants, so root for the Giants and deduce that if they win, the Niners won.

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