UPDATED: ‘The Hunger Games’ Combo: ‘The Hunger Games’ Poker Cards Is Out Of Stock in Cathay Cineplexes

Back in January 21 this year, we had reported Cathay Cineplexes have started selling ‘The Hunger Games’ Combo which includes a ‘The Hunger Games’ collectable cup and a set of ‘The Hunger Games’ poker cards?

A fan inquired on ‘The Hunger Games’ Combo on Cathay Cineplexes Facebook page and Cathay Cineplexes revealed that ‘The Hunger Games’ poker cards have ran of out stock in Cathay Cineplexes.

This is certainly upsetting for we are 45 days away from the release of ‘The Hunger Games’ movie in Singapore on March 22, 2012, and I’m sure lots of fans haven’t gotten the chance to purchase the full set of ‘The Hunger Games’ Combo yet. We have inquired if there are plans to restock ‘The Hunger Games’ poker cards but there is no reply yet at this moment.

We will update you when we get a reply from Cathay Cineplexes!

UPDATE: Cathay Cineplexes has replied saying they do not have any plans to restock ‘The Hunger Games’ poker cards!

‘The Hunger Games’ will be released in Singapore on 22 March 2012.

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Posted on February 6, 2012, in Seen In Singapore, The Hunger Games Movie and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.
