New labels, header and bag holder

I’m a little late posting for last week or I’m early for this week, depending on how you look at it. To be honest, last week was a little rough at work. A massive deadline that can’t be missed put all of us in my office in kind of a cranky mood.

And, when I would have much preferred to be home Saturday sewing in order to have something to show you guys, I was there writing. Whine, whine, fuss, fuss, as my mother used to say.

But one of the few good things to happen was getting my new labels in the mail, which I bought from the LillaLotta shop on Etsy. Run by the very talented and kind Anna, these came all the way from the Netherlands.

I am so excited about them; I just think they look so cool, and they made the perfect header for the blog.


What’s lovely about these is that they were very reasonably priced compared to quite a few of the websites I checked for labels. And since I don’t need 1,000 of them, Anna’s handmade version works perfectly for me. I also love the idea of supporting a fellow crafter.

One of my goals for these labels is to use them on quilts/products for my own Etsy shop. Currently, the shop is work in progress (meaning I don’t have anything in there yet, it just sounds better to say you’re working on it), but hopefully a little later this summer I can get some fun items in there for you.

One of them is very likely to be this cute bag holder. I had made a larger version awhile back to hold my grocery bags, but wanted another one for produce bags, which have a ton of uses, but mostly I reuse them with my juicer.

contentmediaexternalimagesmedia43 Here it is with its bigger counterpart:

contentmediaexternalimagesmedia44I made both of these from the wonderful tutorial on In Color Order. If you’ve never visited Jeni’s site, I highly recommend it. She has great quilt/sewing ideas and is a talented fabric designer. I hope to snag her latest line, “Nordika,” soon. Plus, there’s a cute bunny named George!

Thanks so much for stopping by. This week should be a little easier, so I hope to have a couple of finished quilt tops to show you soon.


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