[Trans] ‘My Story’ – Jung Min’s story A-Z (Part 1)

There’s A-Z but this part only consist of A-D ^^; So do wait patiently for the rest :)

Source: Vivaldi-P
Chinese translation: 阿菜 (ALLFORPJM)
English translation: RPJM (royalpjm.wordpress.com)
Please repost with full credits.



My first experience with the alcohol was during the 3rd year in Elementary school. I went to my uncle’s house with my mother and drank it. I think it was an art event and drank the cherry wine as everyone was supposed to drink it. After drinking it, my entire face felt hot. That time, i decided not to drink this kind of awful things ever. But now, i am always immersing into alcohol. I am joking, i am joking! Although i love alcohol, and will even get drunk after drinking, I would not anyhow drink it. Staff often asked me “Why am i not drunk?” That’s because, me, when i am feeling drunk, just a little bit, i will immediately leave the place, bringing along my bag and other stuffs. What will happen if i am on a date? I will not touch alcohol when i am on a date but let’s say if i became sexy after i am drunk, you probably think that it will bother you.


The most beautiful part in woman… it’s still certainly her heart. Although appearance is also important, i think the woman who knows how to care for the others is the best. She doesn’t have to do anything special, she just has to respect my work. I feel that woman like this is the most beautiful. Next, if I don’t like woman who only cares about themselves, waiting for someone to do something for them yet doesn’t help, i cannot cope with them. However, i like woman who drives someone, giving the strength of positive. Woman who is gentle yet strong, i really like them.


Whenever i am stress and isn’t in a good condition, I will:
(Go for) Massage, sleep, eat, exercise, shopping, cook and read interior design magazines.
Now, in my Taiwan’s room, there’s actually around 100,000¥ worth of interior design magazines pilling up everywhere.

I have another dream, and that is to become a/an (interior) designer. Like for example, building something like ‘Jung Min Hotel’ and things like this. Why? What kind of interior; wall, furniture, lighting are things which only made the customer comfortable and happy. From now onwards, i will start to familiarize myself with interior design knowledge, you must support me!


I love jogging when i was a child and is always chosen to be the last to run in a relay. From that time, i am already popular. Valentine’s Day during my Elementary School was really impressive as I was always chased around by girls. That time, there were 2 girls from the same class as me chased me and said “Please date with me.” The flowers were right in front of me, who should i choose? OO? XX? OO? … (which one should i choose? I kept hesitating -_-!!) In the end, i gave OO the flowers (Okay, i decided to choose OO to be my girlfriend) But i announced this at XX’s house. Thinking of it now, it’s really bad. My dream that time (when i was a child) was to become a policeman. In Korea, it was broadcasting a documentary about police that time, after finishing the documentary, i felt touched. I will absolutely protect the citizens! The will to fight totally kindled. Now, even though there are times where I occasionally do not understand things related to police, i believe that in a certain extent, i can still a policeman. But because there are other missions for me to do, i cannot be a police already.

Categories: Trans | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “[Trans] ‘My Story’ – Jung Min’s story A-Z (Part 1)

  1. liezle11

    Thank you so much for the translating the above as well as the other translations you did before. Whenever I come across something about Jung Min I would check RPJM for the latest especially if there’s no English trans/subs out yet. Appreciate your hard work and dedication. Keep it up!


  2. Sinthia

    Thank you so much for your hard work to provide us the translation of our sexy charisma story!! I’m very grateful!^^

  3. Lestari2412

    Thanks for the Hard work & the translation .

    Really Appreciate this team for ONLY PJM

    Love it :)

    Keep it up forever

  4. Jung Min’s so cute. XD
    based on this ideal woman description, i still ship him and Gyuri. ^^
    thank you so much for the translation! i love all you girls’ work and really appreciate it. i look forward to the following parts!

  5. thx u so much for de translation,luv u all muacks!

  6. Thank you so much for your hard work to translate our sexy charisma story ^_^
    I was search for the translation for a long time and finally i found it ..
    Really appreciate your work ^_^

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