It’s Time for Pumpkins!

It’s that time of year again! This weekend, Cobalt and I (and friends I am sure) are headed to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins for Halloween! Yay! I think going to the pumpkin patch makes both Cobalt and I go a little crazy as shown by the top picture (Cobalt and our friend P at the pumpkin patch last year) and the bottom picture (me and P at the pumpkin patch in our very first year of grad school… awww… so wee…). Heheheheh… pumpkins… PS- If you live in CO and you want to go to the pumpkin patch with us, let us know! :)

Do you like going to the pumpkin patch? Do you still get dressed up for Halloween? If so what are you going to be this year? If not, what was your favorite Halloween costume of the past? Cobalt and I are still working out the kinks for our costumes but I promise that they will be super awesome!

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