Help from the user

Help us make our Android app, Tourist language learn & speak, better. We could really use translations from foreign language native speakers. If you want to give a hand, please  translate the phrases below and send them to us at doruadrian.nechifor90 (at) gmail .com

Thanks a lot!

 *** feel free to add more phrases or categories if you wish, just make sure you provide translations :) ***
*** translations for languages that contain symbols (e.g. Chinese) should be in symbol form and with phonetical description in parenthesis ***
*** for best example see the application ***
*** also if you would like to be added to the contributor list please specify your name (or nickname) and country here: _________________ ***
*** after you finish, please send this file as email attachment at *** 
*** thanks again for your support ***

LANGUAGE (specify the language in which you are translating): ________________

ALPHABET (if your language has one – just specify all the letters or symbols)

	0 = 
	1 = 
	2 = 
	3 = 
	4 = 
	5 = 
	6 = 
	7 = 
	8 = 
	9 = 
	10 = 
	11 = 
	12 = 
	13 = 
	14 = 
	15 = 
	16 = 
	17 = 
	18 = 
	19 = 
	20 = 
	21 = 
	30 = 
	40 = 
	50 = 
	60 = 
	70 = 
	80 = 
	90 = 
	100 = 
	1000 = 
	day = 
	week = 
	month = 
	year = 
	spring = 
	summer = 
	autumn = 
	winter = 
	Monday = 
	Tuesday = 
	Wednesday = 
	Thursday = 
	Friday = 
	Saturday = 
	Sunday = 
	January = 
	February = 
	March = 
	April = 
	May = 
	June = 
	July = 
	August = 
	September = 
	October = 
	November = 
	December = 
	in the morning = 
	at noon = 
	at midnight = 
	early = 
	late = 
	today = 
	tomorrow = 
	yesterday = 
	What time is it? = 
	It's one o'clock = 
	It's two o'clock = 
	It's five minutes past one = 
	It's twelve minutes past three = 
	It's eight minutes till one = 
	It's ten minutes till five = 
	It's half past one = 
	It's quarter past nine = 
	It's quarter till eleven = 
	It's four in the afternoon = 
	It's two in the morning = 
	It's ten in the evening = 
	The party begins at nine o'clock = 
	The bank opens at half past eight = 
	Hello! = 
	Welcome = 
	How are you? = 
	I'm fine, thanks. And you? = 
	Good morning = 
	Good afternoon = 
	Good evening = 
	Good night = 
	Goodbye = 
	Have a nice day = 
	See you later =  
	Excuse me = 
	I am a tourist = 
	I don't understand = 
	Say it again, please = 
	Please speak more slowly = 
	Do you speak English? = 
	Yes = 
	No = 
	Cool = 
	Please = 
	Sorry = 
	Where can I find ...? = 
	Where can I find the toilet? = 
	I don't know where I am = 
	Thank you = 
	You're welcome = 
	What is your name? = 
	My name is ... = 
	Pleased to meet you = 
	How old are you? = 
	I am ... years old = 
	Where do you live? = 
	What is your job? = 
	What is your hobby? = 
	What music do you listen to? = 
	Would you like to go to the ...? = 
	Good luck! = 
	Cheers! = 
	Congratulations! = 
	I love you = 
	Happy Birthday! = 
	Happy Easter! = 
	Merry Christmas! = 
	Happy New Year! = 
	Arrival = 
	Departure = 
	Flight number = 
	I want to buy a plane ticket to ... = 
	When does the flight leave? = 
	When does the flight arrive? = 
	Where is baggage claim? = 
	My suitcases are lost = 
	Where is the taxi stop? = 
	I need a taxi to the ... Hotel = 
	Your passport please = 
	Here is my passport = 
	Do you have anything to declare? = 
	I have nothing to declare = 
	Is this your baggage? = 
	This is my suitcase = 
	What is the purpose of your visit? = 
	I'm here on vacation = 
	I'm here on business = 
	Can you please help me? I am lost = 
	I want to confirm / change / cancel my reservation = 
	Is this the check-in for flight ...? = 
	How long will the flight be delayed? = 
	I need a ticket to ... = 
	I would like a window / aisle seat = 
	How much is the ticket? = 
	Can I pay with credit card? = 
	Can I pay in euro / dollars? = 
	Can you tell me, is this the flight to ...? = 
	When is the next plane to ...? = 
	What is the free baggage allowance? = 
	How much is the excess fee? = 
	I'm keeping this bag with me = 
	I'm sorry, this is my seat = 
	Access to platforms = 
	Arrivals / departures local trains = 
	Entrance = 
	Exit = 
	Information = 
	At what time does the train for ... leave? = 
	Where is the ticket office? = 
	I want a ticket for ...  = 
	First / Second class = 
	How much is the ticket? = 
	Can I pay with credit card? = 
	Can I pay in euro / dollars? = 
	What platform does the train leave from? = 
	May I sit here? = 
	What is the next stop? = 
	How many more stops until ...? = 
	Where is the bus stop? = 
	Which is the bus for ...? = 
	Is there a bus to the city's center? = 
	When is the next bus leaving? = 
	A ticket please = 
	How much is the ticket? = 
	Wait! = 
	Hold the bus! = 
	Does this bus go to ...? = 
	Please tell me when should I get off = 
	At the next junction = 
	At the next station = 
	Excuse me, this is my stop = 
	Here is your stop = 
	Taxi! = 
	Where can I find a taxi? = 
	Can you take me to this address? = 
	Could you take me to ...? = 
	The city centre, please = 
	The airport, please = 
	The station, please = 
	I'm in a hurry = 
	Straight ahead = 
	To the left here = 
	To the right here = 
	Turn around = 
	At the next junction = 
	Stop here please = 
	Could you wait for me? = 
	I'll be back soon = 
	How much is it? = 
	Can I pay in euro / dollars? = 
	Can I have a receipt? = 
	I made a reservation for ... = 
	Are there rooms available? = 
	I want to stay ... nights = 
	I'd like a room for two = 
	I'd like a single room = 
	I'd like a double room = 
	I'd like a room with a shower = 
	At what time is the breakfast served? =  
	What time is checkout? = 
	My key, please = 
	Which floor? = 
	Which room? = 
	Do not disturb = 
	Come in = 
	I need a towel, please = 
	Please wake me up at ... o'clock = 
	Do you have wireless Internet? = 
	The TV is not working = 
	There is no toilet paper in my room = 
	Where is the restaurant? = 
	Where is the swimming pool? = 
	Can you call a cab for me? =  
	Is there any message for me? = 
	I have a table reserved for ... = 
	Do you have a table for two? = 
	Waiter! = 
	The menu please! = 
	I'm a vegetarian = 
	I don't eat pork = 
	Are you hungry? = 
	What would you like to eat? =
	What would you like to drink? = 
	What do you recommend? = 
	I would like to order dinner now = 
	This is not what I ordered = 
	The food is delicious = 
	A beer please / Two beers, please = 
	Cheers! = 
	That's enough = 
	Where can I find the toilet? = 
	The check, please = 
	Can I pay with credit card? = 
	Call the police! = 
	Is everything ok? = 
	Please come immediately = 
	There was an accident = 
	I lost my papers = 
	 I lost my credit card = 
	Somebody stole my wallet / passport! = 
	I am lost = 
	Everything will be ok = 
	Good evening. I am Officer ... = 
	Come here, please = 
	Wait a moment, please = 
	I have some questions for you = 
	Do you have any I.D.? = 
	I'm speaking to you because you seem to be ... = 
	I'm giving you a warning = 
	You're under arrest = 
	You must fill in a report form = 
	Thank you. You can leave now = 
	I have to get to a hospital = 
	Where is the nearest hospital? = 
	Call an ambulance! = 
	I feel ill = 
	I have a flu = 
	I have a headache = 
	I have a stomach ache = 
	I have a temperature = 
	I feel dizzy = 
	It hurts here = 
	I am bleeding = 
	I'm allergic to ... = 
	It's not serious = 
	Does this hurt? = 
	Inhale, exhale = 
	Do you have any painkillers? = 
	Where is the toilet? = 
	Here is a prescription for some tablets = 
	Where can I find a drug store? = 

Despre dispozitivele viitorului

Ma numesc Andrei, scriu un blog despre software si despre dispozitivele viitorului cu scopul de a lua un amarat de 10,9 sau 8 la Tehnologii Web la nivel de client. Ma pasioneaza acest domeniu iar pentru mine are mai mare importanta ce loc obtin in aceasta competitie pe tema "software pentru dispozitivele viitorului" decat daca iau sau nu nota.
Acest articol a fost publicat în Software. Pune un semn de carte cu legătura permanentă.

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