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Book Review: Naked Frame December 4, 2010

Posted by Jaidis in 3 Tree Reviews, Book Reviews, Jaidis Shaw Reviews.

Get your own Kindle copy of Naked Frame (Rebecca Ranghorn Mystery Series – #1)


Rebecca Ranghorn is wanted for murder. The dead man in her office has a bullet in his head. Her bullet. But she’s not the killer. At least she doesn’t think so.

Rebecca is a private investigator working mostly cheating husband cases. She knows how to kick butt, and she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty.

In NAKED FRAME, her client is a mother wanting proof that her teenage daughter is having sex with a sleazy Dallas businessman, Big Bill Smotherburn. Once Rebecca shoots the video, the mother begins to threaten him.

Big Bill drops by Rebecca’s office unannounced, after hours, and tries to buy the video. But within minutes, Rebecca has passed out, warm pistol in hand, and Big Bill is sprawled out on the floor with half his face blown off.

Rebecca had been pointing the gun at Big Bill, unsure of his intentions. But she’s sure she wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. She believes somebody framed her.

She knows it’s only a matter of time before police discover the body, and come looking for her. It’s an odd time to reconnect with her best friend, Gabby, from high school. But he wants to help Rebecca.

The two of them will unravel the mystery. Or die trying.

My Review:

I recently won a copy of Naked Frame, written by Robert B. Robinson, in a member giveaway on Library Thing. The description of the book sounded interesting and convinced me to want to read it. I mean who doesn’t like a good murder mystery? The story follows Rebecca Ranghorn who is a private investigator who normally deals with cases involving cheating husbands. Only things didn’t go as planned, when Rebecca’s friend Gabby comes to her office and finds her passed out behind her desk, gun in hand, and a dead man on the floor. When all evidence points to Rebecca as the killer, she goes on the hunt for clues to prove her innocence, along with the innocence of Gabby who is pulled into the mystery by helping her. Naked Frame was a good read for me and kept the suspense going as to who all was involved and what motive they had to set up Rebecca to take the rap. I have decided to give this book a rating of 3…maybe even closer to 3 1/2…because I really wish there was a little more building of the characters and some insight as to what made them really tick. They were written well, but it was hard for me to connect to them. I will definitely be on the lookout for the second book in the series, because with a little more detail in the right places, and this series is bound to be a great one! I’m eager to see how Mr. Robinson’s writing style evolves as he fine tunes it for future works. I would recommend Naked Frame for those of you who like good murder mysteries that leave you questioning who the real killer is throughout the story. This book does have some mild adult content, which is probably better suited for mature audiences.

My Rating:

Happy Reading,



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