Farmer’s Daughter Eatery

Posted on December 26, 2014


From time to time, I have this geeky need to just talk about photography and be all technical about it. I must admit that I keep this need just bubbling beneath the surface. But when I meet my old friends from Ryerson, it just comes out in the open and I indulge in every minute. Such was that night I met up with Guinevere.

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I met Guinevere at Ryerson while we both took History of Photography class. Now Guinevere is old school kind of a photographer, just the type who believes learning all the basics and doing things manually would give such a satisfaction. Just like me, she has turned pro, shooting commercially and also family portraits (click here to see her work).

So a few weeks ago, we got together and indulge in a photography conversation or two.  Truthfully speaking, it was the topic for most of the night.  Since she knew an artist at the Parkdale area with an open reception, we went for dinner at Farmer’s Daughter Eatery.  Farmer’s Daughter’s Eatery is a spin-off from Farmhouse Tavern are serving mostly seafood dishes.  A place after my heart really.

Just a block away from Farmhouse Tavern, I walked in a few minutes early than our agreed time.  Just like Farmhouse Tavern, the interiors were a tasteful layers of eye-catching items and I was definitely entertained and had my time occupied by looking around as I waited for Guinevere.  I also asked for the fried shrimps that was generously dusted with powdery herby burst of flavours.  It was rather addicting at each bite as each shrimp was plump and perfectly cooked accentuated with the vibrant layers of savoury.

Guinevere walked in and after a few minutes, we decided to go for the crab cakes for her and the lobster risotto for me.  When the plates arrived, I was definitely wowed by the plating of the dishes that we ordered.  It has an elegance to it, it was almost heartbreaking to break up the plate to taste it.  My risotto had an indulgent amount of lobster, it was such pleasure to bite into each morsel, I definitely cleaned out my plate.  Guinevere was equally happy with her crab cakes as she was raving with each forkful.  A few minutes later, the chef saunters to our table and asked us what we thought of our food.  Guinevere surprised me when she asked if she could hug the chef.  Now that is what I call satisfaction.

I definitely recommend this place if you wish to find an alternate to the common meat dishes, especially after the heavy holiday meals.  I just know you would walk away contented as we did.

Farmer’s Daughter Eatery on Urbanspoon