Occupation forces raid Tarqumya village near al-Khalil

[ PIC 02/03/2012 – 09:51 PM ]

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– IOF troops on Friday entered the village of Tarqumya to the north west of al-Khalil in the southern West Bank and raided two homes belonging to the Haltam family to the south of the village.

Local sources told PIC that IOF troops forced occupants of the two homes out in the cold and rain while they ransacked them and that the houses are those of Hijazi and Sa’di Haltam. The IOF used police dogs in searching the houses and trashed furniture and other household items.

Meanwhile, IOF troops arrested Obada Dofash, a student attending Al-Khalil University, after raiding his home. He is in his fourth year of study at university.

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