Israeli Troops Attack Bil’in’s Weekly Non-Violent Protest

Related: All Attacks on Palestinians – TimelineCategory

Saturday January 14, 2012 03:36 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies 

Israeli trooped attacked on Friday the weekly nonviolent protest in Bil’in village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah; dozens of residents suffered the effects of teargas inhalation, and chemical burns.

Image By Rani Burnat - FFJ Media
Image By Rani Burnat – FFJ Media

The protest was held by dozens of local residents, Israeli and international peace activists, while the focus of this week’s protest was on Jerusalem and the illegal Israeli violations that aim at displacing the indigenous Palestinians from the city.

The Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in reported that the protestors marched despite the heavy rainfall, and chanted slogans calling for ending the Israeli occupation, and the removal of the illegal Israeli Annexation Wall.

As the protestors arrived at the Abu Limon reservation, which was recently returned to the residents after a lengthy legal battle, soldiers stationed behind the concrete wall, fired teargas bombs, rubber-coated metal bullets, and even sprayed the protesters with waste-water mixed with chemicals.

Dozens of protestors were treated for the effects of teargas inhalation, while several protestors were treated for the effects of the chemicals sprayed at them by the army’s water-cannons. They all received treated by field medics of the Palestinian Red Crescent teams.

category ramallah | non-violent action | news report author email saed at imemc dot org

Image By Rani Burnat - FFJ Media
Image By Rani Burnat – FFJ Medi

Source and more at the International Middle East Media Center.

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