Aruri: Israel’s exile of prisoners strategic mistake

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[ 25/10/2011 – 12:58 PM ]

DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Senior Hamas official in charge of the prisoners’ file Saleh Al-Aruri said Israel makes a strategic mistake when it exiles Palestinian prisoners from their occupied homeland.

“The occupation’s decision to banish prisoners cannot break their determination in terms of their insistence on struggling and fighting against the occupation, but on the contrary, this strengthens them and make them stronger and more motivated to resist and fight,” Aruri said in a press release.

He pointed out that the second batch of the swap deal, due to be completed within two months, would include the release of longtime prisoners jailed for alleged security reasons and they would return to their homes without any exile.

In a related incident, Maariv newspaper said on Monday the majority of Palestinian prisoners released as part of the swap deal with Hamas Movement refused to sign a pledge not to return to resistance activities against Israel.

A few hours before implementing the swap deal, Shabak officers visited the jails from which those prisoners were released and failed misrably to force them to sign a written plegde to give up their activities against Israel, according to Maariv.

Source and more at the Palestinian Information Center

Related: Palestine’s Prisoners Release – in pictures

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