#GazaUnderAttack | 37 killed in Israeli airstrikes and shelling on Gaza Sunday morning

A wounded girl in Rafah Hospital Sunday (MaanImages)
GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli airstrikes and shelling killed 37 people across the Gaza Strip on Sunday morning, as the 27-day assault on Gaza showed no signs of ceasing despite Israeli moves to redeploy outside of urban areas the day before.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza said that the 37 dead since midnight — which includes 10 members of a single family in Rafah — brought the total death toll to 1,739, with nearly 10,000 injured and a quarter of the total population of 1.8 million displaced.

The 10 family members were killed during an Israeli air strike on the al-Ghoul family home in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah.

Spokesman for the Ministry of Health Ashraf al-Qidra identified nine of the victims as Muhammad Ismail al-Ghoul, Wael Ismail al-Ghoul, Ismail Muhammad al-Ghoul, Ismail Wael al-Ghoul, Khadra Khalid al-Ghoul, Asmaa Ismail al-Ghoul, Malak Wael al-Ghoul, Mustafa Wael al-Ghoul, Hanadi Ismail al-Ghoul.

Despite the ongoing Israeli onslaught, Palestinian leaders continued to place their hopes in ceasefire talks in Cairo.

Representatives of the PLO, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad arrived in Cairo on Saturday from offices in the West Bank, Doha, Damascus, and Beirut, with the hope that Hamas officials from Gaza would also be arriving soon.

A delegation from the US state department including senior adviser on Middle East issues Frank Lowenstein also arrived in Cairo Saturday.

Onlookers expected representatives of the UN and the international Quartet to join the Cairo talks,

Israel, however, has maintained that it will not attend the talks, a move solidified after the state redeployed its forces on Saturday afternoon from across Gaza’s urban areas to areas a few hundred meter near the border inside Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech Saturday that despite the redeployment, the operation would continue.

The move suggested that Israeli forces would re-occupy large areas of the Gaza Strip for the foreseeable future. Even before the latest incursion, Israel maintained a buffer zone of more than 500 meters that encompassed nearly 20 percent of Gaza’s total land area.

Israel public opinion is strongly in favor of continuing the assault, despite the deaths of 64 Israeli soldiers so far.

Intense airstrikes overnight

The Ministry of Health said that airstrikes and shelling across the Gaza Strip had been intense overnight.

An Israeli raid on home of Abu Jazar family in Rafah killed 23-year-old Amani Abu Jazar and her toddlers Maria and Faris Abu Jazar. Issa al-Shaer and Saed Mahmoud al-Lahwani were killed in the same raid.

Muhammad al-Hour was killed and four others were injured shortly before dawn prayer in Rafah.

The body of Ibrahim Qishta was recovered from the rubble of a house which Israeli forces bombarded Saturday in eastern Rafah.

In the northern Gaza Strip, Israeli warplanes struck the home of the Abu al-Qumsan family in Jabaliya Sunday morning, killing Hatim Abdul-Rahman Wahdan, 50, Sanyura Wahdan, 27 and Jamila Wahdan, 24. Ten others were injured.

Four Palestinians were killed and 12 others were injured Sunday morning in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

Witnesses said that an airstrike hit the home of the Khattab family, killing Atwah Suleiman Khattab, 64, Muhammad Atwah Khattab, Rimas Salim al-Attar, and another woman who hasn’t been identified yet.

Another airstrike on Deir al-Balah killed a man and injured several others.

In the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis, Israeli attacks killed two Palestinian men and injured three others when a missile hit home of Abu Shalouf family in the western quarter of the city.

At least fifteen people were injured by Israeli artillery shelling at Shuhada al-Zaytoun mosque in the Zaytoun neighborhood of Gaza City.

Follow the genocide in Gaza - In Photos and Video

Click here to watch the genocide in Gaza – Day by Day -In Photos and Video

For who does not understand the need or concept of resistance of Palestine, recommended read:

The History of Resistance – The Eagle of Palestine


Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right?

81 Notre Dame Law Review1275(2006). Conducting an in-depth study of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and also discussing other genocides, this article details the inadequacy of many of the international community’s response to genocides, such as “targeted sanctions” or international peacekeeping forces. Examining international legal authorities such as the Genocide Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Court of Justice, the article demonstrates that groups which are being subjected to genocide have a legal right of self-defense. International treaties, Security Council arms embargoes, or national gun control laws cannot lawfully be enforced in a manner which prevents self-defense resistance to a genocide in progress, because under international law, the prohibition against any form of complicity in genocide takes legal precedence over lesser laws. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. In PDF.


  • The Palestinian Right of Self Defense
  • Brayer: The Absolute Right of Palestinian Resistance – Source
  • No. Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory – Source
  • If Jews in WWII  Warsaw would have had rockets: They would have fired them too – by occpal


  • The “Rocket” from Gaza MythPhotography
  • More facts about the Rocket from Gaza MythsStorify
  • Half the story: What @IDFSpokesperson leaves out about #Gaza ~ by @yousefmunayyer
  • Israel and #Gaza: Context Behind Projectile Fire ~ by @yousefmunayyer
  • Truths and lies behind Israel’s attacks on Gaza and its whining about rockets ~ by @AliAbunimah
  • Israel is not looking for peace. Nor talks. But: This


* The list of shuhada does not display, the numerous victims of the zionist occupation which are undocumented by media. Nor it displays the victims of the “silent onslaught” due to restrictions of movement, ability to go to hospitals for treatment or life saving surgery, due to lack of medication because of the blockades and so on. For example: The Slow Motion Genocide by the Siege on Gaza only, killed 600 patients since Gaza got under Israeli Siege.

For an overview of All Israeli Massacres Palestinians go here

Neither does this list, display the avoidable mortality. A clear and statistical factual evidence, about the number of deaths due to indecent ruling by occupation forces. For even an occupier has obligations under International Laws, Geneva Convention and the Hague regulations, which it is neglecting. These circumstances, together with deliberate policies of the occupier to neglect and even deny every basic human right, severes avoidable mortality which is totally silenced by media or reporting organisations. While in the Holocaust, 1 on 6 Jewish people directly died of deliberate neglect, so if we believe the facts over 1 million due to avoidable mortality, neither should these same circumstances be ignores which are ongoing in Palestine. For this report displays a avoidable morality of at least 0,5 million Palestinians.

How many more dead corpses of Palestinians does the international community need to see in order to act? How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed to intervene so this ongoing warcrime is being stopped once and for all.

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