Satmar Rabbi and 50,000 followers spoke out against zionism – Follow @MajorNewsTweets


Nov 24, 2013 by occpal

This night the Satmar Rabbi and 50,000 followers spoke out tonight agianst zionism and the Israeli draft Law. Although mostly ignored and even silenced when tens of thousands of true to Torah Jews protest Israel, belows footage shows the fight for true Judaism, by true Jews against the Israeli abuse and even attacks on Judaism go not unspoken nor silenced.

The true torah Jews live in exile and pray for a peaceful world! Like you and me do too.

Please support the rabbis. Follow and retweet them as none of them is supporting terrorism, violence nor wars nor want to participate. Co-existence has been a fact for over thousand years until the establishment of a violent state of Israel and it’s allies longing for the worldly gain.

More related information about Israeli crimes against Judaism below this post


Shocking and Horrific Footage –  Zionist Crimes Against Jewish People

Zionist Israeli Thugs are beating up and using tasers on members of the Orthodox Neturei Karta.

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protesting the desecration of graves by a highway construction project near Haifa were attacked and brutally beaten by private security guards hired by the Ministry of Transportation.

The group, known for being outspokenly critical of the State of Israel and its very existence were peacefully demonstrating at the time. This attack follows a long history of violence against the Orthodox Jewish community.

Consistent with fundamental Jewish beliefs, some of these protesters often take part in demonstrations, side by side with Palestinians, against the State of Israel and its inhuman policies toward the Palestinian people.” The apparent strategy of using organized violence through private security personnel against these peaceful protesters is only one of many tactics used by the State of Israel to intimidate and discourage further protests. The police were nowhere to be found at the time or even hours after the melee. Several Rabbis and children were attacked with electric stun gun devices and knives, requiring some to be hospitalized.

Among the injured were Rabbi Leibl Deutsch and Rabbi Yisroel Rothchild, both of Jerusalem who were stabbed in the lower back and leg respectively. The Jewish cemetery at the heart of the incident dates back to the Second Temple era, over 2000 years ago.Some of the caves that comprise the cemetery have been destroyed as a result of the ongoing highway work and there are heightened fears of further desecration as the highway project continues unabated.



Zionism is NOT Judaism

  • A 130 Year Record of Religious Jewish Opposition to Zionism – Neturei Karta
  • VIDEO | Tens of thousands Jews protesting the State of Israel in NYC ~ by Neturei Karta

For information about true Judaism we recommend you to follow or contact on twitter:

New York – IN PHOTOS: Tens Of Thousands Demonstrate Against Israeli Charedi Draft 

Vos is neiaz (What’s News) | June 9, 2013

ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini

New York – In a rare display of unity, both warring factions of the Satmar Hasidic movement have assembled this afternoon in Manhattan’s Foley Square staging a joint rally protesting efforts by the Israeli government to draft ultra-Orthodox Israeli men into the IDF.

An estimated 20,000 people took part today in the rally.

All photos credit Stefano Giovannini/

 (Credit: ah blick - srul goldstein - srul bard) (Credit: ah blick – srul goldstein – srul bard)
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown  Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square and march around Chinatown Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel.  (Credit: Stefano Giovannini)ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. (Credit: Stefano Giovannini)
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovanniniultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini

VIDEO | Tens of thousands Jews protesting the State of Israel in NYC

By Neturei Karta | June 9, 2013

Published on Jun 12, 2013 by Neturei Karta

On June 9, 2013, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews assembled on the streets of New York City to protest against the existence of the State of Israel, and to condemn it’s current evil decree to draft yeshiva students. The mass demonstration took place in Federal Plaza Square in lower Manhattan, where a huge platform had been set up for several hundred rabbis and leaders of communities. In front of the platform were seated hundreds of prominent and esteemed people, while the rest of the square was overcrowded with the tens of thousands participants.

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