Gen 6 ~Sunflower~ Chapter 11 part 2

“Sunflower.. He seems very miss placed in here…” Oh my sweet husband.. he will live.

Oh right where are my manners.. I had a boy.. after all that girl planning too…. his names Philly, short for Philadelphia..

“I suppose all this is my fault..” I said letting out a big sigh..

“Hey, it’s not your fault.. you should get some sleep..”

“All I did at the hospital was sleep…”

“No.. you had a baby.. you need lots of sleep..” he took a hold of my hand in his. leading me out of the room..

“Here let me fix the pillow for you..”

“It’s fine..”

“No it’s not, you like it perfect…” I layed my head down oh his hand nice and hard.

“That hurt, why’d you do that?” he asked, confused.

“Bite me!!”


“I’m not tired!” I mumbled. “Okay maybe I am a little…”

“I’ll be in my lab. call me if you need me..” he said tucking me in.

“Nighty night.”

“Night, love you.” he came down and kissed me twice.
If I wasn’t so tired I’d think it was super adorable how giddy  he is being, about being a Dad! thought only Mozz would be capable of that..

~~Rogue’s POV~~

I have to tell my robots! sad but they are like my only friends, besides Sunny of course.

“Guess who’s a Dad!”

The robots just looked blankly at me… except Dorset was standing alone..

“I’m a Dad, Dorset! You happy for me?”


“Come now that’s no way to act toward your creator, I might be able to fix you up tonight!.”

“This might take a while Dorset.. you could go sketch or star gaze..”

I could hear her feet walk behind me.. much time went bye, maybe a few hours..
And then my experiment exploded in my face…

“Can one of you robots help me out! I’m on fire!”


~~Sunflowers POV~~

Did I just hear yelling? or an ‘OWWW’? I should be more worried than I am…

I am drawing! but I have no idea what I am drawing yet.. I should still be in bed…

I heard the sliding glass door slowly open, nice and quietly..

“Rogue? that you?” I asked.. no one else ever comes from that side of the house.. and he was up all night…

“Good morning..  I thought you’d still be sleeping… you know you should still be resting…”

“What the berry Rogue!? why are you all covered in ashes and where did your clothes go?”

“I was… umm working in my lab on something..”

“Oh yeah! maybe you were trying to blow yourself up!!?” I yelled.. I grabbed his hand and then some of the ashes attached to his skin, found it’s way on my shirt some how… “Ugh… now I have to change my clothes… but you know what.. you are coming with me!” I grabbed his arm again and pulled him up the stairs..
Then pushed him in the bathroom..  and I went into our room to change my clothes..

After being completely changed, I went into Philly’s room and grabbed him from his crib.

When I got back downstairs Citrus was cooking, what looked to be macaroni..

“Hi, brother..”

“Hi sister, you hungry?” he asked..

“Wow Ro.. that was fast.. are you sure you’re clean?”

“Yes Sunflower.. I am clean see.. no smoke, no dust..”

“Did you scrub behind your ears?” I asked..

“Yes.. can I hold Phi-”

“Noo! You are way too dirty!! you still have smoke on you! I can see it!”

“Sunflower please? I am clean! I used the soap you got..”

“Whah? my soap?!” My soap! my super pretty smelling soap for ladies! he can go buy his own soap!

“Uh… you mean you didn’t plan on sharing it?” and he calls himself a genius….

“Who wants some Macaroni?” my brother blurted out..

“You burnt it…” to think that is my big brother…. “Roguefort likes burnt food… he likes it cause it reminds him of himself and how he tried to burn himself to a crisp….” I snickered.

“Sorry it looks delicious but, Sunflower I just want to hold Philly…. I haven’t gotten to really hold him yet..” okay.. yeah he’s right…. he hasn’t, but that’s just because I love our son so much!!

“Okay, Ro.. you can hold him!”


“Yup..” I smiled handing Philly over to him.

“Hello, Philadelphia..”

“Wow Sunflower… that’s the first time you let him hold his son?”

“Hey he had all night.. but he chose to spend it blowing himself up…. Oh I am so tired..”

“Sunflower.. how about I watch Philadelphia and you can go lay down..” Roguefort is the sweetest guy ever!

“Wow that sounds like a deal! see you later.” I kissed the babies forehead.

“What no kiss for me?” Roguefort asked,

“Fine..” I got on my tippy toes and kissed his forehead.

“That’s not a real kiss…”

“Have fun with Philly!” I said waving and running out of the room..

~~Roguefort’s POV~~

I made my way to my lab with little Philadelphia.. he is gonna be a genius just like me!

“Can you watch Philly for me? I just got a new idea to fix your trait hardware..”


“It is all jumbled up.. can’t explain it right now… Oh and can you watch Philly for me?”

“Anything for my master.” I handed Philly to Dorset..

“You have to promise not to let anyone hurt him.” I said..

“I promise, master.”

“Good. thank you.. I just need to do something on my computer and then I am gonna take Crumble and Danish with me to search for parts at the junk yard..”

Just writing myself a reminder of what I am getting Sunny for Christmas.. my mind is everywhere right now…

~~Sunflowers POV~~

I had just woken up to the sound of heavy footsteps and a door opening. Rogue must be putting Philly to bed!

“Roguefort!!”  the guy needs some sleep.. he has been awake for almost three whole days.. and i have been getting enough sleep for both of us..

“What the berry are you doing in my baby’s room?!! You big ugly hunk of metal!”

“Master asked me to watch his son.”

“Stupid robot! I am your ‘Masters’ wife! and I NEVER told him he could let you watch the baby!!”

“You have no control over me.”

“I am his wife!! I should have as much control over all you dumb robots as he has! And Were is Rogue! I wanna have a word or two with him about this!!” I yelled…

“Follow me.”

“Follow you?” I asked, really I am gonna follow a robot… wow.. the robot walked out of the room.. I went over and tucked my son in.. a cold robot couldn’t ever do that like a real mother!

Then I caught up to the robot.. she is leading me to the lab.. she could have just told me he’s in the lab…

“Where’s Roguefort? he’s not at his desk…” said looking over the lab.

“He is inside this door.” I just looked at the robot.. what is inside that door?

“You may wait here with me if you are too scared to go in.” Me scared!?? Uh Yeah right!

“I’m not scared! Move aside!” I looked at the panel.. “Ummm, what do I press??”

The robot came over and dialed in a long number… and the door opened..

All I could see was bright purple.. “RO! honey?”

“He can not hear you from out here.. you must proceed inside.”

“Roguefort! I am coming in!”

15 responses to “Gen 6 ~Sunflower~ Chapter 11 part 2

  1. she is SERIOUSLY snobby. hahaha. but you gotta love her.
    anyways, this update really stands out to me. i dunno why but i love it. ^^ you’ve been getting better and better at writing!!! -smoosh-
    <333 can't wait to see where this takes them! ;D

  2. Don’t go into the time machine Sunflower! I agree with Llama this is one of my favourite chapters as it stands out so much. Can’t wait to see what happens to Sunny!

  3. And Sunflower called Dandelion a brat. T.T Jeez that woman is mean.

    Awwww! I knew they were going to have a boy! XD Poor Philly! He’s still going to be a cutie though! I just know it! 😀

    .___________. Dorset…. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! D: I feel kinda bad for the little hunk of metal, though. She just wants some lovin’.

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