Addicted to porn? Try this Jesus app

14 Nov

buddy-jesusLike anyone who writes about technology, I get a lot of press releases. Some are inordinately bad. I got one the other day that was so bad, I had to share it. In its entirety. It’s from the Christian News Service, which is interesting in and of itself. How do I get on such mailing lists? I’ll never know.

Anyhow, here’s the release, plus a quick thought at the end:

The Devastating Effect of Losing Every Man’s Battle With Pornography

LINCOLN, Neb, Nov. 7, 2013 (Christian News Service) – It is a battle that many fight silently. Christian men are not immune to its lure. In fact, three out of five Christian men say pornography is a daily struggle, with devastating relational and spiritual effects. However, with daily Bible engagement and accountability, it is one that can be overcome.Dr. Arnie Cole, CEO of Back to the Bible and director of research and development for the Center for Bible Engagement, notes that the advent of the Internet has made pornography more easily accessible.”I’m 62. When I was kid, someone had to steal a magazine from the liquor store and it was really a big deal,” said Cole. “So, you go from that to now – it’s just a click away.” Dr. Cole also points out that a growing body of scientific evidence shows that pornography use jeopardizes marriage and can escalate into compulsive use.The spiritual effects may be even more devastating, particularly for teenagers who are growing up surrounded by pornography. As young adults, they bring with them a distorted view of sexuality and psychologically often treat people as objects.“Spiritually, their thought life becomes a huge barrier for them moving closer to Jesus because they are thinking about all these things that are wrong for them.”

Center for Bible Engagement studies reveal that men engaged in pornography struggle more with anger, bitterness, hopelessness, and feeling like they can’t please God. Yet Dr. Cole maintains there is hope for those fighting this battle.

Men who receive daily scripture on-the-go through smartphone Bible apps like goTandem stay spiritually encouraged. According to a follow up study “one-third of men improved in their ability to resist the temptation of pornography. This last outcome is particularly noteworthy because pornography addiction is one of the most difficult to overcome.”

goTandem is a free app designed by the Center to help encourage people in their daily walk with Christ. With goTandem, users receive customized scripture content throughout the day that speak directly to their spiritual needs.

“What we try to do is to send scripture through App messages to people throughout their day that help them deal with their struggles and grow spiritually,” said Cole. “So, if a young person is struggling with pornography, worry or anxiety the app will send out short biblically-based messages that relate to that topic.”

goTandem’s goal is to avoid a one-size-fits-all plan. Users are encouraged to mature and grow in God’s timing. The goTandem app is now available in the App Store and Google Play.

It strikes me that perhaps more Jesus isn’t the answer to pornography addiction, considering how there’s some convincing proof that people in the most religious states are the biggest consumers of it.

1 Comment

Posted by on November 14, 2013 in religion, sex


One response to “Addicted to porn? Try this Jesus app

  1. jvanl

    November 14, 2013 at 1:09 am
