Let Nature Restore You


As the holiday season comes to a close, many of us may feel the need for some rest and relaxation from the busyness we just experienced. Sometimes the best cure for regaining our peace is found in nature itself.

For me, taking long walks on the beach, watching a sunset, or starring at the stars can instantly provide a therapeutic alteration to my state of mind.

There is something undeniably beautiful, powerful, and spiritual about the exterior gifts from nature, that can elicit such a peaceful, contemplative effect on our internal environment as well.

One cannot underestimate the importance of introspection on a regular basis, as it has a profound impact on the way we think, act, and operate in our relationships.

Therefore, the more we make room in our lives for stillness and reducing the noise level around us, the more we are able to hear the messages from within us.

Unfortunately, the busyness in our lives can pull us away from noticing the lovely settings which surround us, and allow them to fade away unnoticed into the background of each day. This lack of connection can prevent us from the serenity we long to experience.


Fortunately, it is never too late to begin focusing on all the beauty around us, and reap the benefits of its rehabilitating power.

What nurtures you?

11 thoughts on “Let Nature Restore You

  1. Actually, we have just been on a two hour walk along one of the landscape preservation areas in my favourite part of town… Not the beach but just as nourishing – and we also met some seagulls. (One of the three rivers meandering through my hometown, river Elbe, connects directly to the sea not far from the city of Hamburg, so the seagulls are always around.)

    Thank you, Cathie, for this beautiful article, which is a timely reminder, as well as for all your wonderful posts that you share!

    Have a beautiful transition to the New Year and a happy, nourishing, wonder-full 2017!

    Much love,

    • The nature walk sounds fantastic Steffi! Meeting some seagulls along the way sounds great as well! I’ve appreciated connecting with you throughout these past years, and look forward to continued wonderful “wonder-full” posts and comments from you in the coming year!! 🙂 Blessings, Cathie

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