

DfE Dithers, SIF Suffers

Filed under: Education,Policy,Standards — lenand @ 8:03 am
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The inaccurate and misleading Interoperability Report has not been withdrawn by DfE, in spite of diplomatic attempts to correct the record of the SIF (Systems Interoperability Framework) Association.  The outrage became apparent at the recent conference of the educationalists and suppliers that have built up the only practical interoperability solution.  Their methods demonstrably reduce the burden on school administrators, teachers and local authorities in operational and analytical duties. An anodyne response from a minister (Lord Hill of Oareford, CBE) has done nothing to deflect the damage caused by the report.

One rather embarrassed conference attendee had a sticker, “The DfE Interoperability Report had nothing to do with me”.  It transpired that the Information Standards Board (ISB) members and technical advisors had not seen a copy of the report when it was published.  I must apologise for mistakenly thinking that the ISB was part of the problem.  They may have issues about adequate representation across the whole education sector – but that’s another story.

Evidence has been gathered of public sector bodies believing the inaccurate report and using it as the reason for not adopting SIF.  The SIF Association made 13 rebuttals on inaccurate statements – none have been adequately answered.  One wonders if part of the reason is that the commissioner of the report has left the DfE and that the authors (CapGemini) have received adequate payment; neither seem to have any further interest in correcting it.

It is not stretching credulity that the report is impacting the commercial prospects of SIF suppliers. Worse than that, opportunities to improve outcomes and efficiency in schools has been severely damaged.

Expect some high profile publicity of these facts if the current, more low key, representations do not rectify the problem.  For example see “SIF Strikes Back


  1. Link to report not working for me – can you check please?

    Comment by Josie Fraser — 05/11/2010 @ 8:32 am | Reply

  2. […] of Quarkside continuity, look at the quality of this report compared to the one commissioned by DfE on SIF. None of McKinsey’s finding could be challenged, they are all based on solid research. […]

    Pingback by UK in 3rd Division for Education « Quarkside — 08/12/2010 @ 3:01 am | Reply

  3. […] well SIF introduces changes to the specification for interoperability between systems – and how it has been treated by the DfE.  Professional versus […]

    Pingback by SRP: DfE delays obscured « Quarkside — 14/12/2010 @ 12:29 pm | Reply

  4. […] DfE Dithers, SIF Suffers November 2010 4 comments 3 […]

    Pingback by Quarkside in 2010 « Quarkside — 05/01/2011 @ 3:45 pm | Reply

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