New Bedford man arrested for assaulting a woman at 7 Eleven on Coggeshall Street


On Monday at around 5pm, 34-year old Christopher Moniz of New Bedford was arrested for physically assaulting a woman and threatening a man in front of the 7 Eleven convenience store on 45 Coggeshall Street in New Bedford.

New Bedford police report that Christopher Moniz approached a female and began yelling and threatening to hit her. He then allegedly grabbed the female by the arm and shoved her to the pavement – then kicked her full bottle of water, which then struck her. A man, known to the female, intervened and was reportedly chased by Christopher Moniz – who made threats to physically harm both male and female.

According to police, Christopher Moniz is being charged with assault & battery with a dangerous weapon, threat to commit a crime, assault & battery and assault.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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