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The XU1541 USB Adapter now available

XU1541 USB AdapterThe XU1541 is built from a modified version of the XU1541 firmware developed by Till Harbaum. It is a USB full speed device and supports high-speed parallel cables. The hardware USB support significantly speeds up transfers.

The XU1541 was originally developed by Till Harbaum and the project was abandoned. But its now still well alive, thanks to our resident engineer Jurek.

source: XU1541 homepage

  1. Sergio
    October 30th, 2012 at 08:48 | #1

    Buongiorno, mi interessa l’interfaccia fra USB e drive 1541. Vorrei sapere se è ancora disponibile e il prezzo, grazie
    Buongiorno. Sergio

  2. October 30th, 2012 at 09:20 | #2


    Buongiorno Sergio, l’interfaccia XU1541 e’ stata rimpiazzata dall’interfaccia ZoomFloppy che e’ disponibile qui:



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