Winter Warmer with an Asian Twist (Recipe) #CavendishFromTheFarm

I’ve been talking a lot lately (and not only talking the talk, but also walking the walk!) about how to streamline and make life easier as a means of finding balance and combating stress. By doing all of these things, I’ve been able to continue to lose weight despite all of the daily challenges I find myself facing!

When I think about what to make for dinner, generally it gives me a headache — who wants to cook after a long day at work?! That being said, I know that it is the best choice, both financially and health-wise.

Cavendish From the Farms

It’s important to me to make meals from fresh products and Cavendish From the Farm fits that bill! Born and bred (just saying that about potatoes makes me smile!) in the rich, red soil of PEI, Cavendish says that only the most delicious, premium potatoes are carefully selected. They are prepared with the skin on – which I really like – and they are low in saturated fat!

With a bag of Cavendish from the Farm Rustic Reds in hand, I was keen to try something new! I’m really lucky because everyone in the family is adventurous when it comes to food — the girls have been eating curry and other exotic dishes since they could eat solid foods and think that trying new things is fun! I’m really glad everyone feels the same way because it allows me to flex my creative cooking muscles (I think that’s a serious side-effect of watching so many episodes of Chopped!).

So what did the Rustic Reds inspire me to create? I call it Winter Warmer with an Asian Twist and it is DE-LISH!

And I have to give you my secret hint! I don’t cook the chicken myself — it is the perfect time to pick up a precooked chicken at the store (it makes life so much easier and means I can make this meal in under 20 minutes!).

Winter Warmer with an Asian Twist

340 grams (4 servings) of Cavendish from the Farm Rustic Reds Potatoes
1 tbsp margarine (or butter)
3 cups green beans (ends removed)
227 grams (1 package) button mushrooms
2 chicken breasts, cooked and cut into chunks
1/3 cup sweet chili sauce

1. Place Cavendish from the Farm Rustic Reds on a baking sheets and cook per instructions.
2. Section green beans into 2 inch sections. Cut button mushrooms in half.

3. Place margarine in a large frying pan and set burner to medium-high heat.
4. Once margarine has melted, add green beans and mushrooms in the pan and saute for 3-5 minutes until softened.
5. Add chunks of cooked chicken breast and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

6. Add sweet chili sauce and stir until vegetables and chicken breast thoroughly coated. Remove pan from heat.
7. Add Rustic Red Potatoes and stir until thoroughly mixed.


Serve immediately.
Servings: 4

If the tang of sweet chili sauce is too tangy for your kids, substitute sweet and sour sauce.

Disclosure – I am participating in the From the Farm blog tour by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Cavendish. I received perks for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are, as always, my own.

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12 Responses to Winter Warmer with an Asian Twist (Recipe) #CavendishFromTheFarm

  1. Lee Pearson says:

    What a healthy good recipe this is and I’m pinning it!

  2. Elva Roberts says:

    February 7–I really love what you did with this recipe: lots of vegetables and chicken. Since I live on PEI, I know how delicious their potato products taste. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us-can’ t wait to try it! –el03ro

  3. Sheri says:

    That looks good!

  4. Anne Taylor says:

    Yumm! This looks delicious! I love mushrooms, green beans and potatoes, so this would be something we’d love!


  5. Soozle says:

    Mmmm! Sounds delicious! Very simple too

  6. Jamie S. says:

    This is a nice idea for a middle-of-the-week night. Never heard about Cavendish, I’m going to look for those.

  7. Dreena says:

    Thanks for the recipe. It looks delicious.

  8. sarah p says:

    This sounds like a delicious recipe my whole family will enjoy! 🙂 Thanks!

  9. Elizabeth Matthiesen says:

    I love stir fries and this sounds like a lovely one, however I will be using the suggested sweet and sour sauce as I’m not a fan of spicy foods. Thanks for sharing with us

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