10. How would you describe Lily and Zach’s relationship? WHat drew them together? Did you root for them to be together?

•April 24, 2008 • 1 Comment

I would say lily and zachs relationship is very rare.  back in their time no white girl would ever even think about dating or being with a black boy; no matter what! it was like a rule because of segregation.  lily is very attracted to zachs looks and personality which makes her very special.  she sees past the color of his skin and sees just a regular boy who has dreams.  i think their view on life drew them together because they both want to see the future and neither of them agree with what is going on right now in their time.  i did root for them because i think it would be perfect to see them together and makign a difference in how people can see past the color of peoples skin! i like that they dont care what other people think and i hope they can stay together!

9. May Built a wailing wall to help her come to terms with the pain she felt. Even though we don’t have May’s condition, do we also need rituals, like wailing walls, to help us deal with our grief and suffering?

•April 15, 2008 • 2 Comments

Yes i do believe that even we need some kind of ritual to get through our grief.  May has a wailing wall where she writes the cause of her sadness each time she starts to cry.  another ritual of hers is singing “Oh Susana!”  we dont have to have a wall or a song to sing but it could be anything from a favorite song or cd.  maybe you have a favorite sport that you can just go to a gym or basement and practice it alone.  and if you like talking about your grief, have someone to talk to that will be there anytime. and if none of those work, a good cry is always a stress reliever because sometiems just letting out a cry can rid you of sadness.  i think as long asyou have something to go to when you’re sad you’ll be fine in the end.  keeping stuff bottled up inside you never helps because usually it will keep building on and on and in the end you may not know what to do with yourself and it could lead to harsher consequences. 

Secret Life of Bees

•April 8, 2008 • 3 Comments

2. Had you ever heard of “Kneeling on grits”?  What qualities did Lily have that allowed her to survive, endure, and eventually thrive, despite T-Ray?

No i have never heard of kneeling on grits, and i think it is pure torture and i hate that i even heard of it now!  i think lily had some amazing qualitites like strength, courage, and hope that she could survive.  she had faith in herself that she could soon get away from T-Ray and she wont have to deal with him anymore.  getting away from him was all she wanted and she wouldnt stop fighting till she got away.

Hello world!

•April 8, 2008 • 2 Comments

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