Applesandpterodactyls’s Weblog

Just another weblog

apple one. apple two. apple one. apple two January 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — applesandpterodactyls @ 10:12 pm

apple number one: a very large golden delicious. THIS time I ate my apple and then waited exactly a half hour before eating my toast. Since apples are made of mostly water ,and are a good source of fiber, they are a GREAT way to start my day. ok so anyway. apple number two: a small. very small, washington apple. it was a delightful afternoon snack. i didn’t cut it. i barely washed it. i just dove right in. it was so juicy i had a minor drool path running down my chin.   picture-3.png 


apple of the day January 8, 2008

Filed under: apple of the day — applesandpterodactyls @ 2:45 pm

After reading a little bit more of Skinny Bitch, by Rory Freedman, I took into consideration starting my day with a piece of fruit and ONLYYY a piece of fruit. After about a half hour or so i could eat something else. My weakness was my whole grain bread I brought today.So today’s apple was an organic golden delicious. It was soft, golden, and mighty delicious. My only gripe today is that i had to give up a piece of that apple. My dear co-worker complimented the apple and then asked for a piece. I would do the same if I saw my apple all sliced up on a plate. Accompanying my apple was one slice of 12 grain toast with an organic peanut butter and honey spread i conjured up. I guess sometimes it’s nice to share. sometimes.goldendelicious72.jpg 


which came first? January 7, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — applesandpterodactyls @ 9:27 pm
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 1 point for dinosaurs. dinosaurs were long gone almost 200 million years ago, while apples only sprouted up in the 1500’s. but that doesn’t matter because both are really interesting. i decided to start writing about my experiences with apples and the long, and sometimes interesting, day that follows. Does my morning apple eating experience determine , or sometimes influence, how my day will turn out? The color, texture, size, freshness, scent, and taste of my daily apple seems to be different everyday. Unlike easy mac, which always tastes the same, my apples always surprise me.   dinoapple1.jpg 


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Filed under: Uncategorized — applesandpterodactyls @ 8:53 pm

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