Help the Lives of Others

•May 19, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Hey everyone!

What’s Up?  St. Peter Catholic School is working with the organization ‘Trees for Life’ here in your city, Wichita! What are we doing you may ask, well we are going to help provide textbooks for children in Nicaragua.  In fact, there are two million, repeat (2,000,000) kids in Nicaragua that do not have any textbooks when they go to school.  The kids are just like us kind, well deserving, and all around fun.  I know what you are thinking… NO WAY, but it’s true. Really!!

Well unfortunately we can’t get books for all of the children but we Can get enough books for the kids in Tisma, Nicaragua.  There are 1,300 students in Tisma, who really wantbooks in every subject: English, Literature, Science, ect.  Our goal is to raise 80 sets of books of 10 sets each.  We will have to get $5,000  to buy all of these books.  The good news is we only need to raise $3,750 because the people of Tisma will be producing 25% of the cash.  This is a Huge for them… they are a very poor community… but they are also very excited about these books.

So… what can we do to help?

Simple.  We easily give out brochures, which contain a one cup coffee bag in it (like a tea bag), to friends and family,  Well why coffee, because the parents of these awesome children grow and harvest coffee.  But they make so little pay that they can not unfortunately afford books for there children. 

So… spread the word, love, and of coarse the brochures.  $5.00 will buy one book which may sound like a small fortune but in reality a normal text book cost anywhere from $30.00-$65.00. 

And next time your thinking”these books are so heavy”  remember the kids in Tisma would love to have just ONE!

And WE  can make this happen.  So join and change the life of another person!


Well…the kids at St. Peter Catholic School have already spread the word, at school, Church, and at home. This summer we the kids are going to try to spread the word even more than already done!!! 

Can other schools help too?

Of coarse they can just, again said, spread the word! 

Not just in Wichita

If you have relatives in other states call them, text them, do what ever but let them know, give them an address and mail it in.  When done talking to them tell them to spread the news to their community.  Maybe even this can become a nation organization.  Anything can happen in the hands of God.