Preserve Grove Isle Letter for Miami Officials – Document Link

Preserve Grove Isle Letter for Miami Officials - Document Link

The next step is to activate the “social opposition” to this project, which we find to be very strong. To begin this step we ask you all to join us in our loud and vocal opposition to this by sending a very important and urgent message to a few important Miami authorities that need to hear our position. They will take our opposition to this project very seriously. Your voices will be heard.

2 thoughts on “Preserve Grove Isle Letter for Miami Officials – Document Link

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I am finding the mixed messages we are getting very confusing. Can we have a personal meeting with our board and get some answers?


    • savegroveisle says:

      Dear Elizabeth, I know this is all very confusing and worrisome. We are in a process of defending our island and things will get clearer as we go. You can expect a direct response and reaction from us to the latest threatening letter by the developer….shortly.


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