Tradition—My Very Favorite Christmas Video

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Wordless Wednesday–Mini Golf Style

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Ho Ho Ho—It’s Teapot Tuesday Santa Style

Seems only fitting that Teapot Tuesday feature a Santa teapot this week with Christmas merely days away.  I got this lovely from my sister in law and  he makes me smile every time I look at him.  How about you?   On Christmas Day, At half past three, Make yourself a cup of tea, I’ll think of you, You think of me, Underneath the Christmas tree. I promise---I will be thinking of you all when I sip my tea at half past three on Christmas Day! … [Read more...]

Words to Live By

The past year has been interesting. Fun. Exciting, Challenging. Eye Opening. I am left wondering, at times, what the next day will bring and how I will navigate the waters of uncertainty that sometimes accompany living life.  I am always striving to be better.  To do better.  To be all that God created me to be and yet so often I fall short in that endeavor. The past 4 years I have taken the lead of Chris Brogan (author, journalist and social media expert) and chosen 3 words to … [Read more...]

Beth Ann in the Skies With …..

It's been awhile since Mason City, Iowa has had air service.  A couple years ago it was convenient to be able to take a quick ride to Minneapolis to make a connecting flight to other destinations.  Delta offered connections and that was wonderful for the loyal Delta customers but as time passed the service was discontinued.  Other smaller airlines stepped in and tried to provide service but it was always a bit risky to fly out of Mason City because the service, in my experience, was a bit … [Read more...]


Today I am thrilled to share my blog with author Jackie Cangro.  I first found Jackie through a mutual blogger and started to follow her posts.  She has a huge heart and I believe we share a lot of the same values and ideals which makes her the perfect person to guest post on It's Just Life. Did I mention she is an author?  Jackie's book The Subway Chronicles: More Scenes from Life in New York had me enthralled and hoping I would run into some of the characters she has met on the New York … [Read more...]

It’s a Gem of a Day

Aw shucks--just gonna say it.  I love this man.  A whole heap.  Please join me in wishing my Mr. Diamond  the happiest of birthdays ever today.  I am thrilled that I am winging my way across the blue skies to spend some much needed time together. I realize that this isn't much of a post but hey---I am giving you all a break from reading and going easy on you.  The next couple weeks may I may not be as prolific on It's Just Life as I normally am but never fear---I will be around. … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

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Teapot Tuesday SOS Vintage Style

I walked into SOS Vintage in Webster City on Saturday and fell in love.  Seriously.  I fell in love.  As I chowed down on a lovely blueberry scone I spied it----THE teapot. Nestled amongst the vintage items I found the cutest teapot ever.  Oh there were lots of teapots sprinkled around the store owned and managed by Denise Smith but it was this lovely green one that begged to come home with me. SOS Vintage was our first stop on our Webster City tour that was sponsored by the Webster City … [Read more...]

Celebrity For A Day

Have you ever felt like you were a celebrity?  Ever been treated to over the top service?  Ever felt like you mattered and were important?  Saturday I felt like I was an honored guest and I have the wonderful city of Webster City, Iowa to thank for making me feel that way.  The Chamber of Commerce hosted our North Iowa Blogger group on December 13th for a day in their thriving town.  I had never visited this lovely town that boasts a population of just around 8000 and is situated on the Boone … [Read more...]