Tummy Tuck

male Tummy Tuck tummy reduction Sri Lanka apron over hang tummy

Significant weight loss can mean that a person is left with loose skin around the abdomen which no amount of exercise can shift. Many men in this situation opt for tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, to smooth and tighten the skin to create a flatter and more desirable stomach area by the removal of excess skin from the stomach and in some cases tighten the muscle.

Similar to liposuction, a tummy tuck is not a remedy for obesity and should not be considered as a weight loss solution, but as a body reshaping surgery. A tummy tuck is designed to treat a problem area that cannot be adjusted through diet or exercise.

There are two types of Abdominoplasty surgery; a mini and a full male tummy tuck, both of which are performed under general anesthetic. A mini tummy tuck is less complex and is usually more suited to patients who have loose skin on the lower half of the abdomen. An incision is made across the lower abdomen, where excess fat and loose skin is removed.

A full tummy tuck is a more complex procedure where one incision is made across the lower abdomen and another is made around the tummy button. The muscles are pulled tighter and stitched into place, skin is lifted to its new position and stitched into place, with the excess skin of an apron for those with overhanging skin is removed. The results will be a smoother and tighter abdomen that will show off the results of your hard work in losing weight.

Normally 3 nights stay is required, followed by a 2 to 3 weeks recovery. The area will be swollen and bruised and a compression garment will be required for 6 weeks post-surgery to assist with the healing process.


Read one of our clients review’s:

Cosmetic Clinic Colombo answered all my questions and gave me the information I needed to come to Sri Lanka for my stomach surgery. Dr. Dulip Perera made me feel like any worries I had should be laid to rest. Naturally I had queries,…  Click here to read more :  Toby Craig, 46 years, UK. Tummy Tuck + Liposuction | Nov 2105

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