11 Resolution Approving the Application for Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program Grant Funds.

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Meeting Date: October 18, 2016


AGENDA ITEM: Resolution Approving an Application for Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program Grant Funds.

MEETING DATE: October 18, 2016

PREPARED BY: Odi Ortiz, Interim City Manager/Finance Director

REVIEWED BY: Odi Ortiz, Interim City Manager/Finance Director


Approve Resolution No. 2016- , Approving an Application for Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program Grant Funds.


Several months ago, at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting, the City Council directed management to aggressively begin searching for funding opportunities for soccer fields/facilities. Soon after this Council meeting, management contacted grant consultant Paul Ashby from Adams and Ashby group to begin searching for funding opportunities within the California Department of Parks programs, the Soccer Foundation and related State & Federal programs.

Adams and Ashby group is well experience in the following grant programs; California Parks, Soccer Foundation, Stewardship Council, CDBG, USDA, DWR, SRF, CalRecycle, COPS, HOME, CalHOME and others. Within weeks, relevant feedback was provided about an upcoming grant opportunity. The City also received a call from our contact representative from California Department of Parks making management aware of this funding opportunity and urging Livingston to consider applying.

Livingston successfully funded the playground and restroom facilities at Gallo Park with related State Park program funds and therefore a good relationship has been developed with State officials.

There are approximately $16 million available for funding and procedures are considered highly competitive. Agencies could apply for up to $1 million and the grant does not require a city match, but points could be earned if a city match is included.

The City is highly interested in competing for these grant funds to possibly expand the recreational facilities on Max Foster Sports Complex Park on Walnut and Dwight. The City currently owns about 12 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to this park. Planning department has confirmed that this is zoned accordingly for open space use and environmental reviews have been completed.

The City recently conducted a survey as part of the community outreach requirements of this grant application (see Exhibit A for a copy). Several venues were used to gather community input like, water bill insert, Sweet Potato festival in early October, the downtown street fair, city hall, and other community groups assisted in distribution of survey. Survey results are consolidated on Exhibit B attached.

Approximately 1,100 responses were attained through this community outreach effort and the top two favorable responses were as follows; household priority # 1 with most votes being for soccer field; and the 2nd highest votes being for a water park.

The grant application has a selection/scoring criteria (see Exhibit C).

The application is due November 1, 2016 and does require a City Resolution authorizing submittal.


Given the City Council’s direction and the community’s positive response for potential soccer fields, staff recommends that the City Council approve submittal of grant application for Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program Funding.


Grant program does not require a City match however the City may consider a $100,000 match from non­ general fund resources like Park Impact Fees and other inking contributions to earn additional points.


1. Resolution No. 2016-

2. Exhibit A: Park/recreational facilities survey

3. Exhibit B: Summary of survey results

4. Exhibit C: Grant selection/scoring criteria



WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility by the Legislature of the State of California for the administration of the Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program, setting up necessary procedures governing the application; and

WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the Applicant to certify by resolution the approval of application before submission of said application to the State; and

WHEREAS, successful Applicants will enter into a contract with the State of California to complete the Grant Scope project.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Livingston hereby:

1. Certifies that the City ("Applicant") has or will have available, prior to commencement of any work on the project included in this application, the sufficient funds to complete the project; and

2. Certifies that if the project is awarded the Applicant has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project; and

3. Certifies that the Applicant has reviewed, understands, and agrees to the General Provisions contained in the contract shown in the Grant Administration Guide; and

4. Delegates the authority to the Interim City Manager to conduct all negotiations, sign and submit all documents, including, but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, and payment requests, which may be necessary for the completion of the Grant Scope; and

5. Agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and guidelines.

Passed and adopted this day of , 2016 by the following vote:






Gurpal Samra, Mayor Pro-Tern of the City of Livingston


I, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Livingston this day of , 2016.

Antonio Silva, City Clerk of the City of Livingston



