Scroll: a photo essay

Allan Harkness

1. 'Studio Works in progress' (2005), Beijing, RedGate residency, various dimensions, works on paper (Arches, Canson etc. and rice paper)

Day one, first word: “bor-lwor” (pineapple).


2. 'Study for "Ting Qing"' (2005), 20 x 30cm, ink, watercolour and string on paper

The loop, the look, the sisters.


'America' (2005), chair & cushion, masking-tape, digital photograph

After Turtle Island things became clearer: her not so golden curls.


'Magic Square (Beijing/Durer) (2005), 85 x 100cm. watercolour on rice paper, collaged torn paper

To the Great Bell Temple, Durer in mind, bell and flute to ward off melancholy.


'Ting Qing, Qing Ting' installation shot (2005), 1.5 X 2.5m, print on tarpaulin

“Stop, please. Please, stop.” Let’s go… the philosopher’s watching fish.


'China' (2005), digital photograph

To White Cloud Temple, no going back









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