This Section, though new, contains topics and descriptions that have been presented in the RCIA process. You are encouraged to browse through this area. Our Lady of Guadalupe’ RCIA program uses the book entitled: “Believing in Jesus”, an Overview of the Catholic Faith, by Leonard Foley, O.F.M. This section addresses those topics that are presented to the RCIA classes to help them grow in their understanding and beliefs in the Catholic Faith. All of us, at times, need to refresh our understanding and beliefs. Enjoy.

Click on a title it will take you directly to that Post. Some Posts, at their conclusion, will point you to the next one you should visit.

Post Title
Acceptance Sunday
3rd Sunday of Lent, The First Scrutiny
4th Sunday of Lent, The Second Scrutiny
Jesus: Life and Teaching
Jesus: Life and Teaching Part 2
Jesus in Sacramental Actions
The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
First Reconciliation as an Adult
Mystagogia of Prayer