Research protocol

The latest version of this protocol (2018) is at

The current web site of the Just Space Network is

8 Responses to “Research protocol”

  1. I very much welcome this protocol, and will flag it up both to my own dissertation students and, more particularly, to the 80 or so masters students who take the Environmental Internship module at King’s, which I coordinate. I think we are pretty much in compliance, but it will be good for students to see the logic embedded in this protocol to deepen their understanding of WHY we operate the way we do in working with the voluntary and not-for-profit sector. One point I would like to make about the protocol though. It is essential that academics maintain a critical stance, so the role of “critical friend” is most appropriate when dealing with this sector (which includes keeping confidences when the criticism would have harmful effects if broadcast more widely in a way that identifies the organisation concerned). I do think researches need to be aware, however, that the power vested in organisations to grant access to researchers can be abused, particularly when there is competition for access, with preference going to those who will be more friendly and less critical, in exchange for the kudos and legitimacy that goes with a collaboration with the academy. I have seen one research protocol issued by an environmental NGO which is essentially an attempt to guarantee enthusiastic, supportive and uncritical outcomes. Students in particular need to be aware of the possibility of exploitation of this sort.

  2. is from Durham on ethics of participatory research

  3. This is a really excellent protocol, good to cover the roles of student, academic researchers, and community groups.

    1) ‘Be sure to consult with groups before passing on information..’ might be strengthened ‘Be sure to consult with groups and ensure their consent before passing on…’
    2) For research students it will be important to balance their learning goals (i.e. having the opportunity to try out a new method) with using existing skills to help a group. And University Teachers should be aware of that.
    3) The use of university campus as a neutral venue or university staff as neutral facilitators is a type of ‘in-kind’ contribution.
    4) Is there a duty to inform (though not necessary consult) others who are involved especially those with formal responsibilities such as statutory bodies at NP / LA level?

    Just thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  1. 1 Update January 2012 « UCL Just Space
  2. 2 Essen meeting notes « Michael Edwards
  3. 3 Activity report for 2012-13 | UCL Just Space
  4. 4 Volunteering opportunities 2016-7 | UCL working with Just Space
  5. 5 Personal development goals

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