Shoveling and Shoveling on Harriet: a Sampler of Recent Comments.

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These comments are at the very end of Kenneth Goldsmith’s thread, The Digerati Strike Back [click here].

In the month of October there were 49 Articles on Blog:Harriet. Here are a few statistics:
1.) Only 7 out of the 49 articles received more than 20 comments;
2.) 22 articles received 5 or fewer comments;
3.) The 42 articles that received less than 20 comments had an average of 4 comments each.

Finally, we at Scarriet would like to thank all those Harriet regulars that have quietly disappeared as a result of our dismissal. Because, of course, Tom, Desmond and myself cannot take sole responsibility for the huge success of Harriet before the introduction of the Like/Dislike regime in the middle of July, but certainly we did represent a kind of spirited discourse the management didn’t want to encourage. The legion of posters who have quit the site along with us are an eloquent message that The Poetry Foundation will sooner or later have to take into consideration. Otherwise Harriet’s just a pale shadow of itself, and a travesty as in the commentary above.

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