Million Dollar Ownership Portfolio Dividend Income

This page is reserved to track the dividend income of my parents IRA.  I’ll begin updating going forward, and populate history in my free time.

If you’d like to see the impact of these dividends being reinvested, I’ve structured the portfolio views of my parents IRA in a manner to highlight the 1) new shares acquired through reinvested dividends, and 2) increases in the dividends over time.  I’m using 5/22/2016 as my baseline date to track the progress from this point forward.  The bottom three rows sums up the totals and indicates the % change and absolute change.  Over time, you will be able to see the change in 1) shares, 2) the market value of their IRA, 3) declared dividends, 4) annual dividends received, and 5) even the yield on cost will increase over time.

Historical Dividend Income



Note: Black  numbering indicates actual dollars received; red numbering indicates current forecast.  2016 represents a nice increase due to a lump sum contribution received from a former employer cash in lieu of delayed pension payments.

2016 Dividend Income

January – $1,952.90

February – $1,364.99

March – $4,840.39

April – $3,125.88

May – $1,466.36

June – $5,298.81