Sprinklers for converted and new Welsh homes affect landlords as of 1st January 2016

Welsh sprinklersA new law requiring that all new and converted homes in Wales be fitted with sprinklers has come into force, the first of its kind anywhere in the world.

CFOA Vice-President Dave Etheridge attended an event at the Welsh Senedd on January 12th to celebrate the introduction of the new law. The event was hosted by Ann Jones AM, who was one of the key drivers behind the campaign to see the legislation introduced.

Speaking after the event Dave said;

“This is a momentous occasion for Wales and means it is now a world leader in terms of domestic fire safety. I hope that the other government’s in the UK will now follow Wales’s lead in requiring these life saving devices in more buildings. My congratulations to Ann Jones for her commitment to introducing this legislation; it has taken many years but I’m delighted all her hard work has finally paid off.”

Sprinklers are the most effective means of suppressing a fire once it starts, restricting its growth  and often putting it out all together. They dramatically reduce the likelihood of death or injury from a fire, and also make it much safer for firefighters to tackle an emergency once they arrive.

Sprinklers also use much less water than a conventional firefighting response, and lead to significantly less water and smoke damage – it is a Hollywood myth than all sprinklers activate at once; they will only go off where a fire has occurred.

For more information on the new legislation, visit the Welsh Government website.

Article kindly shared by the Chief Officers Fire Association

Editors note: This new legislation will affect all Welsh landlords looking to convert premises such as single dwellings into flats or larger premises into HMOs amongst other types of conversion. The legislation applies to: Newly built residential premises including flats/apartments. ƒ Existing residential premises under-going significant alteration, including the conversion of single dwellings to Houses in Multiple Occupation, and the conversion of single premises into flats ƒ Existing buildings that are converted from a non-residential use to a residential use (eg: office space converted to flats) ƒ Other changes of use from a non-residential to a residential use, where conversion work takes place. For further guidance see policy draft here

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