Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD) Minutes of the Meeting held On January 8, 2014

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); John Nichols

Also Present: George Cropper (Treasurer); Sharon Northington (Taking Minutes in Beverly’s Absence)

Absent: Dall Winn; Jeff Gardner; Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Guests: Fred Pendleton; Violet Esparza; Fermin Esparza; Herman Nordbruch; Allan Cannon; Patty Cannon; Ford Northington

* (Special Note: Spence Beckstrom’s term of office has expired. We have not yet been notified by County of new Board member.)

General Business:

Mary Esther called meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Welcomed residents. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. No business could be conducted because there was not a quorum present. Minutes of Meetings held in November and December of 2013 were not read or approved. However, since there were several residents attending (see Sign-In Sheet) an informal meeting was conducted.


Building Permits: N/A

Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther: N/A

Dall Winn: Absent

Jeff: Absent

John: Wanted to express thanks to Mr. Gubler for keeping our roads safe and for the work done on the east end of the valley. He noted that roads throughout the valley are looking good. * Said that the dump is full again after the holidays. Ford Northington reported that he had called Neil at WCWS to request that the larger blue dumpsters be emptied.


Fire Chief Report: Gerald – See attached report. * There was a fire at the Dump Site caused by hot ashes.

* There were reports of reckless ATV riders in the valley. * Incidents of shooting in the valley are of concern.


Treasurer Report: George –   See attached report.

* Highlights of the Profit & Loss Detail Report follow:

  • Total Residential Fee Assessments $ 11,214.30
  • Total Expenses $   5,948.88
  • Total Net Income for Month $ 23,049.93

Mentioned two items for budget consideration in the future: $10,000 for fire hydrants; discussion will need to be held on details. Cleaning of the Fire House will be done by Paige Gray on a recurring basis. It was suggested by Alan Cannon that Paige invoice PVSSD for her hours as performed.


Citizen: Herman Nordbruch stated that the road on the north side of the valley has been graded and is now much better than it was. * The Washington County School District has issued information concerning the H1N1 swine flu. There have been 23 admission to the hospital. * Alan Cannon reported that the West Nile Flu has killed 22 bald eagles in Utah.


John made motion to adjourn at 6:30.