square pegs

imageWe have all felt like we didn’t belong, some of us more than others. Being different is difficult. Living according to our beliefs, challenging. Honouring our authentic self, speaking our innate truth, perhaps the hardest thing of all.

With each of us representing a shape, we attempt to fit our square, round, triangular, rectangular and hexagonal bodies into matching holes in our lives, only few of us are lucky enough to be blessed with one that fits.imageThese pieces are based on the tension square that accompanies every knitted pattern, as well as patchwork quilts – their lengthy history and everything they encompass. They are an attempt at embracing my own ill-fitting peg.Square PegsUp until now, the majority of my pieces have been colourful narratives – bright and cheerful. They depict wonderful beginnings, beautiful middles and happy endings. And while I don’t necessarily mind, for cheerful is always good; I would like to have more of a choice. That way, when I’ve got something on my mind – like when I’m worried or stressed or upset, I can allow its story an outlet along with the emotions it contains.

In knitting square after square, working within the security of a fixed environment, I am looking to provide an outlet for my feelings, celebrating the emotions by transforming them into objects of beauty. The idea being that these small squares, with their individual narratives, come together to form a whole that tells an entire story.

Read about the making of these pieces:

The Potential Possum and the Mostly Moon
The Reluctant Robin and the Blue Budimage• Click on the images below to go to my online gallery where you can see each piece enlarged, find out more about it and buy either it or a print.

Please note: my gallery takes a 30% commission, which is included in the listed sale price. The price is also quoted in $’s. Visit my shop to see the price in £‘s and save 30%.

Alternatively, use the following links to:

Adopt a piece
Commission your own bespoke creation

The potential possum and the mostly moon

The potential possum and the mostly moon


The reluctant robin and the blue bud

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

The Rising Star and the Fallen Fish

A mouse with clogs on

The Marzipan Mouse and the Mozzarella Moon

Crumbs and Cottontail

The Sugar Daddy and Biscuit Bunny

The Biscuit Babe and the Milk Mutt

The Biscuit Babe and the Milk Maltese

• If you would like to buy my work, please visit my online gallery
• To receive a 30% discount, see my enquiry page for details or visit my shop

imageTo keep up to date with my progress and receive a copy of my newsletter, send me your email address.

• View or buy my work at my online portfolio
• Save 30% and buy from me direct
• Learn how to knit with my workshops and classes
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