
It was a dry, uncharacteristically warm winter day in Pleasant Hill, Oregon – both myself and a close friend (Mark) were reclining peacefully on our hand-crafted pine bench – appreciating the squirrels and blue jays as they gracefully made their way through the sprawling branches of a deciduous willow – when a neighborhood adolescent by the name of “Steven” – sauntered on over (high-powered BB rifle no longer in hand) with the goal of a casual conversation. Steven – was the child of a severely dysfunctional family – so the physical and psychological abuse he had encountered as a child had taken it’s toll on the burgeoning young man – who on the surface appeared rather personable – even charming. He admittedly gave us the impression with his seemingly pleasant disposition and disarming smile that he was at peace with himself and the world – but beneath the facade of propriety lurked the mentality of a sociopath. And in between the his soft unimposing laughter was an insidious disposition and an ad hoc motive –to torment – to kill – anything that moved – from squirrels that he claimed transmitted rabies – to birds that were obnoxious – to that of feral cats that he perceived as vermin or mischievous pests. We traveled around just a bit with a colloquy – wandering aimlessly from the mundane to the egocentric and despite the fact that “we” – at our small, antiquated housing complex tended to the needs of the so called “wildlife” that frequented our rather spacious acreage and that we did whatever we could to make their lives just a bit easier regardless of the mercurial weather. Without so much as a glance in our direction – Michael – as if driven by some malevolent force – casually retrieved his BB rifle with scope and he nonchalantly tortured then dispatched an innocent squirrel. Yes, he made a mockery of our good intentions and our sincere affection for feral animals we perceived as beloved pets – he conveyed his disdain for us – his irreverence towards innocent helpless life and he displayed the understandable rage he had towards his sick, drug-addicted dysfunctional parents. Yes, he vented his self-loathing, anger, his contempt and it’s sick demented attitude was made manifest in the form of killing or dispatching animals for pleasure and amusement.
Yes, angry, antisocial kin all too often pass on their legacy of irreverence and contempt for the world and those of you who are simply amused by my concern for a mere squirrel – well – in my view – you are a significant part of the problem – and attempting to reach you – either intellectually or viscerally, is an exercise or an effort in futility.
As for those of you who are devout “Christians” – “Thou Shalt not Kill” – means just that. Christ could not – nor would not – partake in the killing, evisceration, the butchering and the consumption of a meek and gentle herbivore.
In a world besieged by violence, hatred and bigotry – we simply need to evolve – yes, to mature into a kinder, gentler people. For reverence for life – is about reverence for yourself and respect for God’s creations. As well as a simple, unconditional appreciation for the beauty, intricacy and love for the miracle of existence.

Shame on the bullies of the world.
Yes, life is rife – and although it is abundant – it is neither to be
cheapened nor marginalized.
For the world is one day ours – for the meek shall inherit the earth.
Jessy J. T.

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