“A Pot to Piss in”


Yes, you conservatives are correct once again – “work smart and not hard” – this way everyone can share “the good life”.Scrub shit off of toilets for a living; Do you frame or plumb houses? Do you dig ditches, extinguish fires or patrol our streets? (The list of vocations for those who work “hard and not smart” is endless.) What’s the solution? Simply choose your parents; Choose your intellectual capacity; Choose the environment in which you are raised. Or – as is the case on occasion – educate yourself and simply overcome the excrescences of poverty you may very well have endured as a child. Be in the right place at the right time; Know the right people; Perhaps you can simply be a person of average intelligence who is an over-achiever? Quite simply elevate yourself (yes, as thousands have been able to accomplish) from that of a “mere peon” to that of a CEO. So? No more lackeys. No more poverty. Yes, no more laborers. If everyone follows these simple steps – this rudimentary algorithm – everyone will be a member of the elite. Caviar, cognac and Cuban cigars all around! Contempt for the downtrodden will be a quondam. (There won’t be anyone left to berate.) And when was the last time you heard of a rich conservative mugging a little old lady for her Social Security check? Acquire lots of stuff – get rich – get even richer! The only thing I haven’t quite figured-out yet is who will wield a pick or sling a hammer? Who will patrol our streets and fight “our” wars? “Work smart and not hard”. (How arrogant and insulting can this catchphrase be?)
No more Representative Democratic Republic. No more Delegates or Super Delegates. No more inequitable Electoral College; One man one vote. A true Democracy.
The fact of the matter is that somebody has to do “it”. All honest hard laborious work is honorable. And those who bust their asses each and every day for decades on end are to be revered and appreciated. And the simple fact of the matter is – most people – educated and erudite – members of the intelligentsia – scientists, researchers, college professors – teachers in general – each work both “smart and hard”. Many of them simply aren’t in “it” solely for the money.

Lets make a few relevant point before you label me a Socialist or far worse – a Communist …
I don’t envy you or your stuff. I don’t have the slightest desire to strip “you” of your monetary and materialistic vestiture. I believe fanatically in symbiotic Capitalism. If anything I truly, sincerely feel bad for those of you who are rich and selfish. I pray for those of you who possess extreme wealth and who don’t possess an ounce of largess in you. Why? Because you may have all of the “stuff” – better food, greater educational opportunities and on and on and on… But the working class have their pride and they have their dignity. We have the gratitude of God and are the progenitors of this – our extraordinary civilization – a civilization they built using the sweat on their brows and the calluses on their hands.
And the way I see it – “those who work smart and not hard” are far more parasitic and usurious than any welfare recipient or duffer. (Where do you think that the money you “earn” comes from anyway?)
One final thought – without those “who work hard and not smart” — well —
you guys (and gals) – wouldn’t have a pot to piss in.

Jessy J.T.

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