The Ham Magazine

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Issue 2 of The Ham! May 17


The Ham is a Peckham based physical publication showcasing quality short fiction, poetry, photography & illustration. It is most likely to be found in pubs and on buses around London and Leeds, but it will be available to order online and in a number of outlets across the UK.

Our brief is broad, we aim to showcase the weird, the wonderful, the quirky, the macabre, the unnerving, and the hilarious. We believe stories and pictures go together like ham and cheese, and the aim of the publication is to provide a space for interesting writing of any form, from anyone who cares to submit their work, alongside engaging visual art. We want your words, your illustrations, and your photography, everything will be considered and if published we’ll send you a physical copy of thejournal.

The Ham is reliant on submissions, so if you think your work fits the bill then see the submissions page for guidelines on what we’re looking for.

Please send any submissions to