Party In Your Eye Socket Magazine

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Coming soon!

“is an independently run poetry and prose anthology based in the United Kingdom. So you have shown an interest in our anthology and would like to submit. Either that or you’ve stumbled across this by some happy accident. Great! We’re always looking for new talent and you might have just the stuff we’re after. All you need to do now is fill in a submission form and send us your work but first you must read the following terms and conditions.


· Please note that at this time we can only accept submissions from the United Kingdom for publishing purposes.

· All submissions must be your own, unpublished work. This is very important as we don’t want to be stepping on any toes.

· Submissions must not exceed the set word count unless discussed and approved by the editor. Word count is as follows; 300 for prose and 30 lines of poetry. (Please email us if you have something that is over the word count, we may accept it).

· Please proof read all of your work and set it out how you would like it to appear if printed. If words are spelt incorrectly for effect please make a note of it in your email when submitting.

· PIYE will publish your name and a website (if you have one) alongside your work. If you do not wish to have this information displayed please let the editor know when you submit. This is just so readers know who wrote what and it’s a bit of free publicity for your website!

· We would like to publish some submissions on our website to showcase the talent in our anthology. If you DON’T want your work displayed online, please let us know at the time of submission.

· Submitting to PIYE will be taken as an agreement to have us use your work commercially on our websites and print based publications. Don’t worry; we will keep you well informed of our intentions throughout the process.


We regret to inform you that writers will not be paid if their work is selected for publication and will have to buy their copies of the magazine. If we’re in the position to change this in the future, we will.”